Ranked #35 In UK & #156 Internationally on Amazon THANK YOU FROM KIM. #amreading #amwriting #romance #halloween

It’s been a long day at the day job, it’s 9:00 p.m London time, but I’m about to put in a few hours writing before I do the dishes and finally go to sleep. Just a short thank you note to everyone who has downloaded a  FREE copy of A Stranger in France today. And if you’ve not there’s still time.

I have reached #35 in the UK and #156 internationally (on my last update) on Amazon for the top downloaded books rankings, in the romantic suspense category! What a happy feeling. Thank you for the support , I can’t tell you how this makes me feel- well I can but I’ll be here all night. Please trust me when I say, I am so grateful for the support and I hope you  all enjoy the story. I had so much enjoyment creating the characters, twists and turns and happy ever after- there is one trust me you may not see it coming but there is. 

A little later in November my second romance novella Not Just For Christmas will be published, and I hope you all enjoy that too! 

Have a great evening. I am off to write my heart out, I’m working on book #3 a romantic -thriller I have named it I’ll blurt  it out … it’s called In The Name of Love … it’s  coming your way in 2017!

With love!


PS- thank you and welcome to all new followers.



SURPRISE: Free Download Day! 31/10/16 #amreading #romance #romancereaders #free #halloween

Happy Halloween y’all!

May you have a wickedly loving or naughty Halloween. My  surprise gift to you all is a free download of my first book A Stranger in France, for today only. 

Also here is a short story I wrote based on Halloween, you can read part one click here and part two click here. To download a free copy of A Stranger in France click here



Book Blurb:

In A Stranger in France readers are taken on a fast paced, modern day romantic journey, that spans between the city of London, the glitz and glam of France, and the beautiful English coast in a gripping romantic story, between two complete strangers with enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat turning pages.

When career driven and successful thirty- two-year-old London born Kate Brown faces hard times in her marriage, she confides in her best friend Tanya Adams in Marseille southern France. Kate makes a bold move and spends two weeks in Marseille away from her husband in London. Her path crosses with tall, dark, devilishly handsome and wealthy Nicholas D’Coix. An immigrant to France from the Ivory Coast west Africa as a young boy, who turned himself around and built up an empire of wealth as a hustler and money maker, and now one of Paris’ top three entrepreneurs. In a whirlwind of sexy, lustful romance Nicholas and Kate fall in love.

Kate returns to London to a few surprises of her own, and still very much in love with Nicholas as she makes yet another bold life changing move. Touching on real life issues these two strong characters battle it out against all the odds in the name of love, across the UK and France.



#Free Book Excerpts- Weekend Reading #amreading #romance #weekend

Afternoon guys,

Happy Sunday, I hope you’re all enjoying great weekend. It’s the eve of Halloween and I’m re-blogging this post I did for the new followers and old ones,who may have missed it. Reason being, I have a Halloween surprise for you all. Watch out for the blog post up at around 6:00 a.m GMT on the 31st October for the surprise!


Morning all

 It’s Friday finally. Over the last few weeks I’ve posted eight  book excerpts from A Stranger in France. The excerpts have also been linked to the WordPress writing prompt of the day , as a response to the prompt. For those new followers (thank you for following), and anyone who may have missed them, you can read eight free book excerpts  here in one place.  Below  on the links.Happy reading!

Have a great weekend.


I disagree








 So far A Stranger in France has received 5 star reviews! Wanna read the whole book? Go ahead link below.




Book Blurb:

In A Stranger in France readers are taken on a fast paced, modern day romantic journey, that spans between the city of London, the glitz and glam of France, and the beautiful English coast in a gripping romantic story, between two complete strangers with enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat turning pages.

When career driven and successful thirty- two-year-old London born Kate Brown faces hard times in her marriage, she confides in her best friend Tanya Adams in Marseille southern France. Kate makes a bold move and spends two weeks in Marseille away from her husband in London. Her path crosses with tall, dark, devilishly handsome and wealthy Nicholas D’Coix. An immigrant to France from the Ivory Coast west Africa as a young boy, who turned himself around and built up an empire of wealth as a hustler and money maker, and now one of Paris’ top three entrepreneurs. In a whirlwind of sexy, lustful romance Nicholas and Kate fall in love.

Kate returns to London to a few surprises of her own, and still very much in love with Nicholas as she makes yet another bold life changing move. Touching on real life issues these two strong characters battle it out against all the odds in the name of love, across the UK and France.


Friday Night Tunes & Writing #amwriting

A few weeks ago I did a writing prompt “One For The Ladies”  in response to the word value, you can read it here  . In my writing prompt, I  mentioned some famous women, who lost their self value  but have bounced back, and sadly some who never made it. One of them was Ms Spears! I am a H.U.G.E. Britney fan I always have been since “Opps I did it again”. I would love to see her in concert perform live  if she ever tours  in London- even if it means going on my own, I’d do it. I just noticed her carpool session with James Corden, from The Late Show and had to share.

Have a watch of this, she has bounced back so much from her dark days. Take note of what she said about her feelings towards men and marriage, and I dare you to try not to sing along, I found it hard. Now I’ve got some old skool Britney out of my system, I can get back to writing, happy Friday. Have a great weekend.

Go Britney you have bounced back, and you look fantastic!!




Writing Prompt: What Would You Do If … #amwriting

I’ve been playing around with some of the 100+ writing prompts I shared with you earlier this week. I’ve had a really good time with the  one line generator, especially the random situation generator. Here’s one that got me writing.

Writing prompt: What Would You Do If… You Had No Money To Feed Your Children?

It’s really sad, but I think in this day and age this is not an uncommon thing in society, I’m not talking third world countries I mean built up society. I can’t speak for elsewhere but here in London, the cost of living is ridiculously high. I have spoken about this before so I won’t rant again, but take rent for example if you rent from a private landlord the prices are sky high in some of the more “nicer” parts of London. Here in the UK we have a system that does offer help with rent payments to those on low incomes or out of work, under the current government we have, when they first came into power the amount of support offered was capped. The result of this was many of those on lower incomes were pushed out of the ” nicer” areas of London they were renting in, and had a struggle to find more cheaper homes to rent. Really sad. Then there’s the average salary vs things like rent costs, food costs, and transport. All very expensive outgoings in London- not to mention child care. 

Parents ( especially women) are often faced with the tough decision of staying at home or reducing their working hours as the cost of full time child care in London, easily eats up a huge part of your income- trust me I know! Just while children are under school age a woman’s career may be set back. Some how here in London economically in some cases it can make more  sense to stay at home rather than work, as the living wage just won’t not cover  all the bills and childcare. This is a blog post for another day! It’s a big subject.

So with these points in mind, I saw this writing prompt and thought this is something a lot of parents may (at one point) have been faced with. The extent of it will vary but we’ve all been there. I have decided not to pay a bill in order to survive, I have no shame in saying that! LOL just life and real, London is expensive!

Luckily, I’ve never been put in a position where I could not at all feed my son, but let me tell you if I were ever in this situation here is what I would do. He is my king and he always comes first. Let’s assume I had no mum, sisters, support system  etc and I was totally on my own…

  1. I’d ask my local shop keeper (really nicely) if he will help me out and explain my situation. I’d like to think after going to the same corner shop (as we call it here in the UK) for almost ten years where I live, he’d help me out with food. Just until I can repay him.
  2. I’d steal it- I tell you no lie I would. This is my son we are talking about. Yes I know this is wrong but I would actually steal food from the store, if the shop keeper said no. I don’t know if I should confess this but oh well! I would probably head to one of the larger food chains. The major ones who can afford to miss the cost of one meal as their profit turn over is ridiculously high. 
  3. I’d try to find a food bank. Here in London or actually around the UK they became very popular when the recession hit back in 2007. I’d turn on the news and see news reports on how much local charity aid  increased in demand, due to job loss vs the need to feed a family.
  4. I ‘d look in my cupboard and see what I can possibly russel up for dinner from what I have. One thing I learned from my mum is keep emergency supplies of things like pasta, tuna, rice etc. To this day I always have these tucked away – just in case.
  5. I’d go out and swallow my pride and ask strangers for help. I really would for the sake of my son. About two weeks ago, I was  outside a cafe, I just stepped out onto the pavement and started to debate what errand to run first on a Monday afternoon. A young girl approached me she looked around her mid -twenties. She said to me ” excuse me miss, do you have any cooking , cleaning or babysitting work for me?” I was quite shocked  and politely I said ” no I’m really sorry.” She then continued  to explain ” I have just come here from my country and it’s really hard, no work for me so I can’t eat or survive.” My heart strings were tugged, I asked her where she is from, it turned out  imagine this from  Greece! Of all the countries. I’m sure you all kept up with the crisis that country experienced when it went bankrupt and residents were limited to just something like sixty euros per week to withdraw from the bank, as there were no funds!  The country and its people were left high and dry. I could not believe what she said to me. While I had no cooking or cleaning jobs I did give her some money for food, just my luck I had no change so I ended up giving her a full £5.00 note. Before I handed it over, I thought to myself what is £5.00 in this day and age? It can just about buy lunch, or a travel card for the day this is not a large sum of money I’m parting with. She was so grateful. All I asked from her is that she did not spend it on drugs or alcohol, I watched her walk into the Wimpy cafe and take a seat ready to order. I walked away feeling like a better person for that charitable deed that day. If I ever have no money to feed my baby, I hope if I stop a stranger on the street and explain they will feel no ill feelings about parting with £5.00 just as I did.

#Free Book #Download: The Christmas Cruise By Author Tammy Tate #amreading

Let’s get in the mood for Christmas by kicking off our Christmas story reading. A guest author I’ve had on my blog has released a Christmas novella, for the 28th, 29th and 30th of October you can download a copy free from Amazon by clicking here. I got my copy, grab yours.

Book blurb:

Despite planes and ships disappearing in the legendary Bermuda Triangle for decades, Ally takes a cruise with friends from Miami to Bermuda. It takes them deep into the heart of the North Atlantic. She soon learns motion sickness is the least of her worries. Right away, she’s drawn to Brad, the head of security, only he’s arrogant and obnoxious, and she decides she wants nothing to do with him. Then the cruise ship encounters an eerie green mist that sends them back in time to a deserted island. Her and Brad must pull together to survive a dangerous storm, a waterspout, and evil pirates. As their relationship grows, they have to confront the biggest threat of all…their feelings for each other.

7 Reasons why you will live a mediocre life

There’s a hell of a lot of truth in this. Thanks for sharing

Genius Unbound

Most people love the mental image more than they desire to put in the work to get it. They are more in love with how the idea looks, than with the process of taking part in the actions that it requires to make the idea happen.

When it all boils down, it takes no effort on your part to fantasize about the life or the results we want but it takes 100% effort to make it happen. If it takes up too much time and requires a sacrifice, most people wont even make an attempt and they’ll even go out of their way to justify it by creating excuses, or what I like to call “crutches”.

People will dupe themselves into believing  their own excuses because they don’t want to face the fact that they never really wanted the dream in the first place. If this is you, I’m going to give you 7 brutally honest reasons for why your life…

View original post 816 more words

2017 Releases … #1 Down, 1# To Go. #amwriting


* Comes up for air * I’ve done it guys, I have met my goal of completing the Cancer Research short story I’m writing  this week, for release in February 2017. The word limit is tiny at just 15,000 for each author. I found it a bit of a struggle to keep within it. But I’ve done it. It’s within the romance genre but more on the  steamy side this one. The writing prompt all authors have to go from is “Code Redhead”- the name of the book. All I need to do is read through once, and submit for a proof read, then off it goes to my publisher. 

Earlier this  week, I spoke about my baby- my romance thriller story, I’ve left to simmer for a whole year. I really want to get stuck into writing this story and hopefully make it my third book published, after Not Just For Christmas. However, I want  to find the right home for this book as I see it as a full length novel, not a short story and it’s not a typical romance or even romantic suspense, as there’s a murder and hint of  who-dun- it wrapped up with a romantic story. I sent out the first three chapters to two publishers, one came back to me  this week and requested to see the whole manuscript! I was like damn OK!  I better get cracking. I’m still waiting to hear from the other publisher. So now I’m done with my first bit of work for 2017,  this baby is 100% my writing focus ( as well as writing prompts on the blog), without a doubt now I know there is interest in it.  I’ll start with research then get cracking writing. I’ve planned a chapter preview in November  for you all so stay tuned. I warn you be prepared for a gripping first chapter!



A Writer’s Life- Up Close #amwriting

For anyone who thinks a writer’s life is always gilz’ n’ glam  that  is so not the case! I’m a busy mum to a two year old, and I work full time so for me a typical “day in my life of writing” is packed. It comes with late nights and early mornings, but I love it and would not change it for the world. Some sacrifice is needed, I barely watch TV- only now and again when I need some head space.

While I was writing A Stranger in France a typical day in my writing life would be:

5.30 a.m. I’d wake up start to get myself ready for the day.

6:00 a.m. cuddle and kisses time! My favourite time of the day, my son would wake up.

6.15 a.m. we’d have breakfast and catch up on the news channel and some much loved kid’s TV.  I’d get my son ready for nursery.

7.00 a.m. prep dinner for that evening, a bit of house work, sneak a peek at what I wrote the night before.

7.50 a.m. we’d jump in the car I’d drop my son off at nursery school.

8.20 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. I’d be at work, day dreaming about getting back to my laptop to write.

Once back at home I’d get all mama duties out of the way and spend some quality time with my son. Once he was in bed normally about 8ish in the evening, I’d be back at my lap top either writing to meet my submission deadline or editing, until the early hours of the next morning- normally about 1:00 a.m. Then the whole routine would start again, this was Monday – Friday.

On a weekend I was able to fit in a teeny tiny bit more writing, as I would not have to go to work. Each chapter I completed really motivated me, as I was so excited about the story and the drama I was creating for my characters.  If my son took a nap or spent time with other family members, rather than take some “me time’’ and go shopping, get a pedicure, or just relax and catch up on sleep, I’d sit my butt down and crack on! This was my routine for about six- seven months. It was a crazy time for my family, and I but I really enjoyed. So as you can see, a writer’s life (one who still works) is far from glam it’s bloody hard work but totally worth it.

What can I say, thank God for MAC under eye concealer and eye opening make-up artists’ ticks, the bags under my eyes could carry a week’s grocery shopping in. But I would not change a thing.





Writers Life… #amwriting #writerslife

I ‘ve not blogged this late for a while, but I have my radio tuned into Magic Soul and Motown hits, I’m feeling bright -eyed even though it’s late. And the best bit it’s half -term break, I have a week off. I also have a massive to-do list writing wise. As many of you know I have a few writing projects I’m juggling, here’s a little update on how they are coming along.

Today, I printed off my manuscript for Not Just for Christmas and sent it over to my band new additional UK based editor and proof reader. I’m really excited about this up and coming new release. It’s a festive themed story, and Christmas is my favourite time of year. The story has a different feel to A Stranger in France which is full of suspense and unpredictable twists! Not Just for Christmas is a sensual feel good romance. I plan to do a chapter preview a little later this month, but for now you can see my book cover.

The Code Redhead Serial Novel story I’m writing for charity is also coming along nicely. My goal is to complete this short story this week, and submit to my publisher. You can find out more details about Code Redhead  the charity book I will be featured in by clicking here. Its release date is February 2017.

Last week, my publisher put out a call for valentines day romance stories to publish, it was quiet at work last week, on the back of a bit of tracing paper I whipped up a short story-line! More excitement (and juggling), if I do go ahead and answer this call and write the short story idea I have.

Then, there’s my baby my romance -thriller story I started to write one full year ago. I left it to simmer and completed  A Stranger in France. This is a full length novel in my mind with suspense twists and turns  and I HAVE  to finish writing it. The idea has been knocking around between my ears for way too long. So I aim to make this my focus before the end of 2016 and see where it goes into 2017 in terms of publishing.

Over the weekend I also did another author interview which I hope to re-blog for you in a few weeks when it’s published. And in November I have another virtual tour kicking off for A Stranger in France.   On Halloween… I have a surprise for you also, stay tuned!

So guys, that’s the 411  at the moment, #writerslife is busy , busy , busy but loving every moment of the madness. 

I hope all’s well your end!