Author Interview: UK- Meet Author Tammy Tate. #author #amreading #romance @tammytateauthor

Following the official announcement of  my next spring release  with fellow author Tammy Tate.( You can read that post here if you missed it). I had the pleasure of interviewing her from this side of the Atlantic. Here’s what she had to say.. Let’s meet her and get to know her style.

How did you start writing romance? 
One day a good friend of mine gave me a historical romance novel. She said it was good and that I should read it. I took it from her, but living in the country on two and a half acres with six horses, two rottweilers, two cats and three kids I didn’t figure I would have time to sit down and read. One night after I crawled into bed exhausted from the day I thought what the heck.  I took Brazen Ecstasy by Janelle Taylor off my nightstand, opened it up and began to read. Before long, it was 3 a.m.  The bad part was, I still didn’t want to put it down. But I did, knowing I had a long day ahead of me. I had to see my husband off to work, my kids off to school and the horse shoer was coming. Between bowling three nights a week and bouncing between school sports, my husband and I had a full plate. Somewhere in between he made a descent living. 
It took me about three days to finish Brazen Ecstasy only to learn it wasn’t the first of the series. But I was hooked. I had to find the others. Some of them were out of print and I searched every used book store for miles around until I had all seven. By the time I finished reading them, I was so pumped up I decided to write one myself. Make up my own rules. Tell a story…my way. 
Within no time, I had twenty-seven chapters plunked out on a Brother’s word processor. (I didn’t have a computer back then and was at the mercy of a landline for internet which was slower than molasses.) Back then, to submit a manuscript, you had to print and mail it in. I finally got my first computer and I didn’t want to know what keys to push. I wanted to know why you pushed those keys. One thing led to another and I put my writing on hold. With the help of countless computer books and a computer friend I opened my own computer business. I spent the next seven years writing databases, troubleshooting computers and building them from the ground up.
Then a new chapter opened in my life. I got into law enforcement dispatching police, fire and EMS. Seven years went by and my husband took a job in Las Vegas and we sold our house in Texas and moved 1650 miles across the states. He didn’t want me to work in law enforcement in Las Vegas because he was afraid he’d never see me. The hours were long. Holidays and weekends were the busiest. That’s when I decided to write again. But, times had changed. Now, there were ebooks and anyone could put them out there for the world to enjoy. I even put my first story on to see if anyone would enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Within the first three months The Spirit Path, a time travel romance I had written, had been downloaded over 7000 times. The ones that weren’t complaining about spelling and grammar were screaming for more. I learnt real quick if I was going to continue living out my dream, I needed an editor. 
Now imagine the look on my husbands face when I approached him about hiring an editor for a book I was giving away for free. It was the same look he gave me when I got caught up playing FarmVille on Facebook and bought million dollar cows to sell for 60k for experience points so I could level up. That’s another story, entirely. Bottom line is, I have a husband who is supportive and told me to hire an editor so I could live out my dream. After, thirty-seven years of marriage, he’s still my biggest fan.
 Kim: Wowzers Tammy- sounds a bit like my experience when I read Deadly Embrace by Jackie Collins, I then read EVERY book of hers, and started writing romantic suspense! I was not even in my mid twenties yet. It’s great to be inspired by other great writers.
What’s your fav genre to read and write?

Hands down, it’s got to be heart-pumping ROMANCE with gorgeous men who will do anything for the strong-willed women they love! I can’t write just sweet romance. It’s not in my DNA. I have to sprinkle in jaw-dropping time travel, paranormal, mystery, a haunted house and a ghost or two or have my characters get sucked up in the Bermuda Triangle. 


 Kim: Umm hmm sounds like my cup of tea for sure Tammy.
How do you go about story telling do you have a signature style?
I’m what you call a pantster! I write by the seat of my pants. I don’t outline before I start. I choose a ‘What if” scenario and jump right in. I write the first few chapters and name the chapter with keywords depicting what I want to take place in that chapter. That always changes several times before I finish. My characters will generally start off with generic names and as they begin to raise up from the pages, I give them their earned names.
 Kim: Haha! A  panster! Love it, I just can’t write like this, I need an outline for sure and develop it  as I go alone. But massive props to you for having this skill. No wonder your stories are great to read!

You’re a bestselling author how did it feel the moment you earned this amazing title?
The first time I made AMAZON’s bestseller list it was a humbling experience to say the least and I was on cloud nine. I looked at my husband and shouted, “I did it!” He shook his head and teased, “Thank God you don’t want to be president.” Yeah, my baby’s got jokes…
Kim: Well done you! Again, I am so happy for you.
What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
The best advice I could give to an aspiring new author is to never give up. No matter what. If writing is your passion, keep writing. And, read…read…read.

Kim: yeah, for sure, never give up!

What’s the most frustrating thing about being a writer?
I would have to say the most frustrating thing about being a writer is not having enough hours in the day. I’m a full time writer and it’s still not enough. I have so many characters bouncing around in my head with so many stories to tell and not enough time to get them down.

What’s the best thing about being a writer?
The best thing about being a writer is knowing there are fans out there that are as passionate about my stories as I am.

What’s your vision for your romance novel with Kim?
I am honored to have taken on a project with Kim and I can describe my vision for our quest in one word. BESTSELLER! Mama always said, “Shoot for the stars, if you fall short, you’re still a winner
So tell us about your latest release Valentine Vision?
Valentine Vision was a fun story to write. Mark, the son of an oil tycoon lost his eyesight in a plane crash a year ago and is now in need of a personal assistant. Who better then to apply then an ex-model who lost her modeling career after a near fatal car crash. He can’t see the scar down the side of her face. There’s chemistry between them from the git go, but Tori fights it. He’s her boss. That isn’t supposed to happen. Against her better judgement, she gives in and after she has to save him from drowning his ego takes a hit. He let’s her go because he thinks she deserves better. Until his doctor calls informing him of a new surgery that might restore his sight. Will he still think she’s beautiful?
Kim: Sounds great! I can’t wait to read my copy.
And that’s a wrap! Grab your copy of Valentine Vision on Amazon UK and now. Connect with Tammy on Twitter and FB

New Release Spring 2017: Kim Knight & Tammy Tate Join Forces. 1 Book 2 great authors! #amwriting #romance #newrelease @tammytateauthor

Afternoon from a gloomy London,

I’m about to let the cat out of the bag as it is now official! Myself and fellow Code Redhead – A Serial Novel author and best selling author Tammy Tate, are working on a project together for  release this spring.  Spring is just around the corner so stay tuned. We’ll  bring to you a page turning romance novel with four great romance stories, set in some of the most exotic parts of the world.

Our heros are handsome, yummy , swoony worthy  incredible men! Professionally they are all Detectives  whoooooooooo we! And our heroines are strong and modern. The stories themselves are fastpaced, page turning and of course  a mixture of  suspenseful, steamy  and contemporary romance .This is super exciting ! Pulling  together a novel  with another author, while both sitting on opposite sides of the Atlantic ocean so far  has been an amazing experience.

How did this project come about? Well Tammy and I met just last year we both published  under the same publisher. As peer support we read each others work  knowing nothing about each other before hand. I was a writer from London and she was just a writer  from the USA. It turns out not only do we have an appreciation for each others writing style, love to feature strong women and incredible men, we love a  well written sex scene ( we’re not really into all that “sweet stuff” as writers personally we like a little fire).  When it comes to romance, there must be  a little excitement, all this and we also get on really well personality wise.  Based on this mutual respect for each other as writers and how our friendship has grown since last year even though we are across a very big ocean, we thought why not work together on a project, and put together four page turning stories for you to enjoy.

Stay tuned, teasers and  chapter previews coming your way soon, as we are both busy working on this book as you read this. This spring is going to be big!




Eight Random Questions…

I came across a cute blog as I started reading, I noticed “eight random questions” left for readers, kinda like a small writing prompt. A great way to get to know one another here’s my response. Take a look at the blog and maybe add yours.

1.What do/did you call your grandparents? If it’s something unusual tell us the story behind the name. If you’re a grandparent what do your grands call you? Who chose your moniker?

I called my grandparents mama and poppa when they were alive. My gran died when I was fourteen, and my granddad when I was about twenty nine.

2. Ever taken a road trip along the California Coast? If so what was the highlight of your trek? If not, any desire to do so? What’s one tourist attraction along the coast you’d add to your must-see list?

I’ve never been to California, the only place in the USA I’ve been to is Las Vegas. It was AMAZING! I’d love to see more of the USA, New York especially.

3.What are three things you don’t know how to do?

Play the piano or any instrument, I’d love to be able to. Paint my nails on my right hand as good as my left it takes me longer, drive on the right hand side of the road. Well I’ve not tried yet, but I think I should some day.

4.Tom Peters is quoted as saying, ‘Celebrate what you want to see more of.‘ If that’s true, what and how will you celebrate?

Who?.. Anyway  I’d like to more intolerance in the world, more tolerance of other faiths and races.  Especially toward black/ Hispanic males, I have a son to raise in a tough world, that’s not that tolerant towards “his kind”.  In the UK it’s pretty OK and here he’s safe but then I hear all the stories from #blacklivesmatter from the USA and how many young Hispanic, or African-American males are killed, and how bad their relationship can be (on TV) with the police and it’s heart breaking. So I’d like to celebrate more tolerance and less stereotyping of any religion or race.

5. Thursday (February 16) is National Almond Day. Do you like almonds? Which would you prefer-an Almond Joy or a macaron? What’s something you make that calls for almonds?

Eh,neither I don’t like  almonds at all… how about Cashew Nut Day instead??

6. What does Saturday morning look like at your house?

Ha! Oh boy, well I’m jumped on, have my eyes kissed and poked open about 8:00a.m the usual greeting from my son, then we get up, I make coffee and he watches some TV … Then I decide what the plan is for the day if we don’t already have plans as a family. Normally, Saturday morning is food shopping day also. Saturday morning is quite lively in my house.
7. Share with us a favourite book you’ve read this winter.

Gosh, wow, I have spent most of my time writing, but I have dipped in to “Voyage en France” also a young adult book written in French I’m reading to help improve my French comprehension.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

“Why the hell does it rain so much in London … I’ve got to head out in the next hour!”






Ah! The Ups & Downs of Writing- Has This Happened To You Writers? #amwriting #learning

Today has been a very productive day for me writing wise, it’s just 3:00 p.m London time and already I have one complete chapter done! But let me tell you, it did not start out like this. First, last night I left off writing thinking okay tomorrow, I’ll come back and w,x ,y,z is  the focus. Previously, I had wrote  about four chapters  of my current thriller, then I ripped it to shreds (a year later late 2016).  But I kept my vision and story line,  I was not a fan of how I wrote “the vision.” So anyway, I started out again. Last night I was  so so so sure I kept the old version … somewhere, I just had to have it, right? Of course somewhere.

Today I thought I’d  go back to it, as I’m  writing a scene that now fits with what I wrote before  a lot better. I went back to my external hard drive the most logical place to look- it wasn’t there, I searched my whole lap top- it wasn’t there. I started to panic, no panic is not the word I started to curse loudly, in a very un lady like way LOL (thank God my son’s at nursery he’s now at the tender age of three, and he repeats EVERYTHING he hears this is how he picks up his vocabulary).

For about five mins, I just sat behind the lap top staring out the window at the rain, then back at my lap top, then at the hard drive in a foul mood. I wanted to pick everything up off the table and chuck it out the window onto the main road and curse  and let a car run over everything! But that would not have helped… so I didn’t  🙂 I  questioned myself, where did I save my old work? Did I really delete it off my external hard drive, once I rewrote the story ? What  have I done with it, I’ve lost at least four  fucking chapters!!  Was all that went through my head.

Then I turned the house upside down, looking for my old USBs  from a few years ago, hoping to God I found them. There it was … all 20,000 words of my old manuscript ahhh sighs of relief, break out the violins please.  I swear I could literally feel the happy hormones taking over my body again 🙂 all I had to do now was hope to God, what I was looking for was  saved on this particular USB I found.

THANK THE HEAVENS! There it was, OMG one chapter down, go Kim *high five.* *Shake it around the living room like Beyonce would* I got my happy dance on y’all 🙂

What I learned today, is NEVER ever move your work (no matter how old) from the main place you save it to another, never ever delete anything as you never know you may want to go back to it, as I did today, rewrite it, change it, add it to another story whatever. The point is save,save,save no matter how rubbish you think it is. Which is how I felt when I started to rewrite the chapters and clearly moved it off my external hard drive. I thought it was a pile of shit to be honest what I had wrote. But obviously not crap enough to delete completely, just crap enough to move from my current work and published work. Why the hell I did it, I honestly don’t know.

Writers has this ever happened to you? Have you ever lost work? Or re found it and got your happy dance on?  Have you deleted something and then tried your hardest to recover it? Tell me your story! Drop me a comment.



Writing Prompt & Thriller Novel Teaser: “The Voices in Her Head”. #amreading #thriller


Today, has been such a productive day writing my  current thriller! I will explain why in the next post. In the mean time today’s WordPress writing prompt word is, “sound”. So here’s an excerpt/teaser from my current story, showing Charlotte’s  experiencing first date nerves with Joseph and her voices return. If you’ve not read the first excerpt I posted, to tie it all together you read it  can here.  and here Charlotte is a thirty-five year old woman, with mental ill health, sadly she has been found guilty of a murder she says she did not do…She is on a mission to prove it.


 It’s  6:00 a.m. I can’t sleep. Working shifts as a nurse your sleep pattern becomes erratic. Add that in with my paranoid state and it’s an explosive mix. After a week of early shifts at the paediatric ward this week, my body clock is still on early wake up times.

Sitting in the kitchen wrapped up in my fluffy dressing gown and slippers, I wait for my Chamomile tea to brew.  For the last hour, I’ve been thinking about my date with Joseph today, at first it was all happy thoughts. I had butterflies, just like any woman would, at the thought of a first date with a guy she really likes.  

 I’m now gripped with panic and fear, the voices have come back. Not the kind pleasant voices I sometimes hear. The dark spiteful voices, that kick at my self-esteem, appearance, and intelligence. I wish she’d go away. Sometimes it’s a male voice I hear. This morning it’s female, a bitchy female warning me that “Joseph’s really is not that into me, he’s just using me, there’s no way someone like him would be interested in a girl like me.” I stand up and light a cigarette, then start to pace the kitchen floor.

“Go away! Go away leave me alone, not today please. Today is important to me


 I can hear her, loud and clear bitching and cursing me. The usual process starts, with me looking like a crazy woman, having an open argument with the thin air. Begging and pleading with the voices to stop. There have been times where I’m going about my usual business walking down the street, on the buss, or at the supermarket and they plague me. Randomly  I start, ranting at the voice in my head, that no one else can hear. People stare, they move away from me. Kids even laugh at me.

“He is not using me! What the hell do you know anyway? You’re just a voice you

don’t know anything.”

I pull harder on my cigarette, then fill my lungs with smoke.

“Go away! Go Go!”

Then it all comes back to me, the first time my parents noticed something was not quite right with me. That there was more to my “odd teenage behaviour”. I was just eighteen at the time. Trying to focus on my A-level studies at college when it all came spilling out … My first experience of a mental institution, my first real mental break down.

June 1998

“She’s done it again Paul, I just went up to her bedroom she’s lying on the bed zoning out, her windows are completely blacked out with paper; I can’t understand what’s got into her.”

“Me neither darling, let’s just hope it’s a teenage thing that she’ll grow out of.”

“I think we should get some help for her. She’s been acting out of character for  


 Susan stares blankly at her husband of twenty years, his dark eyes look sad, as he runs a hand through his thick chocolate coloured hair, now with signs of grey around the temples.

 “What kind of help?”

 “Maybe we should see the GP first.’’

 “Do you really think Charlotte will agree to that? Every time we ask her how

she’s feeling she says she’s fine.”

 “She probably won’t but, it’s getting to the point where I’m worried Paul. She’s

up all night, spends all day in her room, barely eats, misses college. How is she

ever going to achieve the grades she needs for university if she carries on like

this? What sort of future will she have?”

The question hung in the air as Mr and Mrs Price- Smith   stare at each other.


The pair look up at the kitchen ceiling, as they hear Charlotte’s screams and banging from above……

Writing Prompt Challenge week 7: Music to Write By #amwriting #MFRWauthor #writerslife

It’s week seven of the romance authors fifty two week writing prompt  challenge, this week it’s music we write to. Oh boy! Where oh where do I even start with this. My musical taste is so diverse ( just how I like my characters in my stories). I listen to pretty much anything but heavy metal, mainly as I can’t dance to that- who can? Show me how?!

I Like

  • 50s-70s soul and motown.
  • Modern music from today.
  • Hip hop ( old stuff)
  • French soul and hip hop
  • 90’s stuff
  • Pop
  • Soft rock ( like P!ink)
  • Classical
  • Jazz
  • Everything!

When I write it depends on the mood I’m in and what scene I’m writing, I’ll be honest and say as a romance writer I don’t actually listen to love songs when I write ( weirdly). When I wrote A Stranger in France I listened to a lot of French soul singers, motown, soul and classical piano music. Music really features in the book. When I wrote Not Just for Christmas it was actually summer! No where near Christmas and I remember listening to a lot of upbeat summer music from the modern times, mainly the radio. For Code Redhead- A Serial Novel, my contribution story I wrote  mainly while I listened to the sound track from Fifty Shades of Grey * wink, I had fun with that story!

When I’m behind schedule, like maybe I’m in a panic that I won’t meet a deadline agreed with a publisher, or I just have not focused myself well for whatever reason. I don’t suffer writer’s block I’ve found a way to beat it, you can find out how I have done that by clicking here, but sometimes I sit down to write and I “faaf” around reading other blogs, watching Youtube or just browsing the internet,  looking at God knows what, and before I know it, it’s time for bed. When that happens and I fall behind my target, I need to listen to classical music as it will focus me, mainly piano classical does the job really well. I found a sound track on Spotify Player that really focuses me.

When I’m on track and feeling good, I go with the flow I just load up Spotify and let it do it’s thing, but I always write with music, I find it hard not to.



Great Blogs Participating so far…. #amwriting #bloghop

Afternoon guys, I took a peek at the bloggers who have submitted links so far for the V’day blog hop. I enjoyed what I read. Take a look, meet some new blogs to read … maybe submit your own love/romance related blog post to share with other passers by, the hop will continue until the 28th. Click here and go to view links to read /submit.


Valentine’s Day FREEBIE #3 Not Just For Christmas.. #amreading #romance #freekindlebook #valentines

More love to spread…happy Valentine’s Day! Not Just For Christmas is FREE today on Amazon for one day only ( 14th February 2017) then .99p and .99$ from 16th February – 28th February. 


November 2016

Book Blurb:


In Not Just For Christmas readers are taken on a romantic journey set in London, during the festive season, following two characters originally opposed to each other fall in love, with a enough warmth and sensuality to keep readers warm at any time of year.
As Christmas draws near thirty-five-year-old social worker Ava Green, finds herself desperate to not be alone at her favourite time of year. Following the break- up of her engagement to her ex earlier in the year, Ava has spent ten months on a mission to get over her ex. With the support of her two of her closest girlfriends Tasha and Marie, Ava makes a bold move which surprises her girlfriends in order to find a companion for the festive season. Ava’s path crosses with tall dark and handsome Detective Jerome Samuels, a forty-five-year-old divorcee also in search of love. Once their paths cross after a few bumps along the way there’s no turning back, these two characters are caught up in a whirlwind of sensual and heart –warming romance, that Detective Jerome Samuels hopes is not just for Christmas, he’s on a mission to claim his lady Ava.


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Valentine’s Day Freebie #2 Valentine Vision by Author Tammy Tate #amreading #romance #valentines

I have some more love to spread, celebrate Valentine’s with fellow Code Redhead- A Serial Novel Author and  Best Selling Author Tammy Tate’s latest romance story. It’s FREE until midnight 14th February 2017, after this just $2,99 on Amazon.

Valentine Vision Ebook Cover (1).jpg




Valentine’s Day is approaching and Tori signs a five-year modeling contract with a high-end perfume manufacturer. The ink isn’t even dry when she’s thrown through the windshield in a horrific car accident. Despite a deep laceration to her face, the doctors say it’s a miracle she’s alive.

Tell that to Dallas girl who was on her way to becoming America’s next top model.

With her funds dwindling, Tori scans the classifieds for a job. Preferably, one that doesn’t require a pretty face to sustain a decent wage. One ad stands out among the others. A Personal Assistant to the blind son of an oil tycoon. What more could she ask for?

Tori didn’t expect her new boss to be witty, buff and extremely handsome. Mark didn’t expect to be captivated by his new assistant’s gutsy mindset. When his eyesight is restored, will Tori still be the desirable woman he envisioned? Or, will tragedy strike twice for the ex-model?


Standing on the sidewalk, Tori saw Vic in the parking lot leaning against the BMW. “Do you need anything else?” she asked Mark before getting Vic’s attention.

“Bananas.” Mark said lifting his face to the sun.


“Yes, like the ones they sell in the grocery store.”

“I know where they sell bananas, Mr…,” She paused, remembering he asked her to call him by his first name, then blurted, “Mark.”

He grinned.

“You’re in luck,” she said blocking the noon sun with her hand. “There’s a grocery store next door.”


“Do you want to ride. It’s pretty far.”

“Can you break ‘pretty far’ down into feet?” he asked grinning.

“I don’t do measurements very well.”

“Let me put it another way.” He rubbed his chin. “If I were to walk from here to there, how many times would my feet hit the pavement?”

Tori gasped and gave him the stink eye.

“I heard that,” he said.


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Birthday Present from Kim! #Amazon E-book Sale .99$ / .99p #amreading #romance #amazonsale#valentines

It’s official it’s after midnight London time I’m now thirty four years young!  As a birthday gift from me to you to celebrate my birthday, and the day of love Valentine’s Day, I’ve reduced the price of  both of my romance books to .99$ and .99p   16th –  28th February 2017.

Happy reading and enjoy!


Buy Now Links


A Stranger in France

Not Just For Christmas


A Stranger in France

Not Just For Christmas