Non- Fiction Book Tour Interview: Act Like A Kid & Think Like A Parent. by Katherine Shears & C.S Whitehurst.


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Hello nice to meet you! Tell us a bit about you where are you from and other than writing what else do you enjoy?

Katherine Shears:

My name is Katherine Shears, I was born and raised in NYC (Harlem and The Bronx), with family in Georgia, Carolina, Mississippi, Florida and Texas.  When not writing, I enjoy vacations, spending time with my family, getting to know new people, and sleep. I like driving in nice cars when there is no traffic, and I really enjoy watching people learn that they’re not stupid, and are actually capable of learning many complex things. I also really enjoy delicious food from different cultures around the world, when I can find it.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I am called C. S. Whitehurst.  I like playing video games, reading a good book, and experiencing nature when the weather’s good. I enjoy programming games, and writing stories. And I love it when things in life just make sense.

How did you start writing? What was your inspiration to create?

Katherine Shears:

Ultimately, my inspiration comes from the Supreme Creator through so many beautiful, intelligent, and enlightening daily encounters. We all have infinite capabilities and various talents that come naturally to us. From as far back as I can remember I’ve enjoyed expressing myself through writing. I am inspired to write knowing that my writing will be around for future generations. That, to me, is important.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I’ve been writing stories since I was a kid. Then when I was in college, I was studying game development, and I had to write game narratives. And then I realized that there was a great need for a certain set of informations that I, my schoolmates, and my professors had, that people in many urban neighborhoods did not have, information that makes functioning in higher society possible. My coauthor and I stockpiled the fundamental information that could be used to help fortify the intellectual foundation while enhancing a person’s knowledge and logic. And there, our first published book was born.

 Who is your favourite author, is there anyone out there that inspires you?

 John Bradshaw. He has done a phenomenal job with his books and seminars on Family Secrets, Healing the Shame that binds you, Homecoming, On the Family, and others. These books gently show you a mirror of yourself, hug you, while passing you the Windex and newspaper, then support you as you clean. Great work!

What genre do you enjoy reading?

I am naturally inquisitive as well as analytical, and I enjoy reading all different genres. It all depends on the purpose of the read, and/or how it sparks my interest.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

Katherine Shears:

My process of writing is still the same as it was. It worked for me before, so I am sticking with it.

C.S. Whitehurst:

 I learned to use an outline. Makes building a book a lot easier.

 Have you ever thought about writing in a different genre? If you could what genre would you like to dabble in?

Katherine Shears:

I have thought about dabbling into stories that are based on true life events. That could be very interesting.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I already practice writing creatively for the purpose of video-game making.

Do you Google yourself?

Katherine Shears:

 Only after other people google me and tell me what they found, so I can then see it for myself.

C.S. Whitehurst:

Yes, from time to time. It’s a good thing to do, so you can see the type of footprint you’re leaving on the cyber-enviroment. It’s a way to make sure your best efforts toward social positivity are being appreciated.

What three tips would you give any aspiring writer?

Katherine Shears:

When you have an idea, question, or thought, write it down! Get it out of your head onto something that will allow you to go back and work on it at will. Keep an open mind to criticism and review grammar. It will become one of your best friends.

C.S. Whitehurst:

1) Try to visualize who they are trying to reach, and imagine having a conversation with them where you share what you know, and have a voice recorder, to record what you want to say, and then type it up later.

2) Have a picture in your mind of who you want your book to reach, and imagine talking to that audience, sharing what you want them to know and learn


3) Try to remember to a voice recorder, or some other recording device, to not have it all in your head, so you can have an easier time when typing it up later.

What are you working on now? What will you release next?

Katherine Shears and C. S. Whitehurst:

We are working on a few more collaborations together currently, that are aimed at helping parent/kids relationship.  One is Surrogate Re-parenting 2: AKA. Get Your Mind Right 2, and the other we have yet to choose a title for. Both of which should be released in early 2018.

So…. where can we get your books?

Katherine Shears:

I have a link on my website , as well as Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and other book retailer’s.

C.S. Whitehurst:


Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and wherever books are sold, as well as

What does “success” look like to you? When would you say “damn, I’ve made it baby!”

Katherine Shears:

In my opinion, success from a societal perspective means fame and/or fortune; however, I acknowledge every goal I achieve as success. That is something that you might hear me say when I finally decide to retire.

C.S. Whitehurst:

Never. Because no matter what level you get to, or what level you reach, even if everyone was elevated by, through and with you, there is always another higher level of growth and development waiting for you, as a person, to be achieve.

Does a big ego help or hurt writers?

Katherine Shears:

I firmly believe that everything in life has to be balanced. The ego has an important job and is very good at doing it; however, as with everything too much is not beneficial.

C.S. Whitehurst:

A big ego can keep you from connecting with others. I mean, they’ll be beside you, but you won’t be able to see them, because you are so wrapped up in your own vanities and your own denials. How can you be about other people when you’re so wrapped up in yourself? In truth, the greater you are, the more you owe to others.

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

Katherine Shears:

Like baking a cake, getting the ingredients and putting them all together takes time. And figuring out when and how to put them together takes even more time. Then, there’s the time that it takes to decide first whether that cake is actually necessary. The thought process on a book can take months or years.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I’ve been observing and studying things that are a part of my writing all my life. I observe, I interview, I survey, I test, and I read.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

Katherine Shears:

Yes, I love feedback! Both negative and positive reviews are helpful. Positive ones let you know you’re on track, and negative ones give you areas to improve in.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I’ve been observing and studying things that are a part of my writing all my life. I observe, I interview, I survey, I test, and I read.

What’s your favourite movie?

Katherine Shears:

The Blind Side, amoung many.

C.S. Whitehurst:

“The Postman” is one I like.

What’s your favourite book and why?

Katherine Shears:

A Course in Miracles. This is the most enlightening and conscious awakening work I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

C.S. Whitehurst

By constantly learning and growing, my list of favorites is constantly changing. One book I like currently is The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper

What music do you like?

Katherine Shears:

I am a music lover! I love all kinds of music, both old and new.

C.S. Whitehurst:

Fast-paced music, slow-paced music, I enjoy different music when I’m in different moods.

Where would you like to travel to and why?

Katherine Shears:

Any white sand, clear water, warm weather island. I love the beach!

C.S. Whitehurst:

Around the world to meet and see people and places that I have read about, first-hand.

Do you need a lot of sexual experience to be a good erotica author?

Katherine Shears:

I don’t think the experience necessarily gives an advantage with this genre of writing. In my opinion, the main goal of fictional writing is to allure your reader into your fantasy, which means the imagination, passion and good skill is what would prove most beneficial. Many people have a lot of sex without passion.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I agree with my co-author’s answer.

If you could do it all again would you change anything?

Katherine Shears:

My writing is an expression of what I have studied, experienced, and most of all my comprehension thereof. Every person, event, or situation in my past added to what I share through my work today. No, I wouldn’t change anything.

C.S. Whitehurst:

I would have done it a year earlier, and would have given it to my cousin and the rest of my family, before she died of cancer.

Pick one: a one time “Bestselling author” or an author with longevity–what would you rather?

Katherine Shears:

I write because I love to naturally, so my choice would be an author with longevity.

C.S. Whitehurst:

A one-time best-selling author is a career without many goals and objectives, whereas an author with longevity can achieve many goals and objectives toward many different causes. So I choose longevity.

Meet The Authors:

Katherine Shears is a mom, graduate of Strayer University, and an executive consultant, who is dedicated to bettering the social function and overall visibility of all she encounters. She is a deep thinker with an open mind who stays on the cutting edge of learning, having read over one hundred self-help titles and counting.

C.S. Whitehurst is a psychology-based UX/UI designer/tester, computer programmer, IT Project Manager, and self-help enthusiast, who is a student of science, philosophy, life, and NYU. As a native of New York, having been exposed to social diversity, he has been coached by life to respond to the issues plaguing inner-city youth.



About the Book

Title: A-C-T Like a Kid and T-H-I-N-K Like a Parent

Author: Katherine Shears and C.S. Whitehurst

Genre: Nonfiction self-help

Just for kicks, have you ever wondered what your parents really want from you in life? Is it you, or do your parents want you to have no real fun? On any given day, do you want to make your parents proud of you and still do what makes you feel really happy within yourself? Of course you do! But the real question has always been, and still is…how? How can we actually get this done?

Well, with A-C-T like a Kid and T-H-I-N-K like a Parent, a.k.a “the child-part consoler”, you will get past common misunderstandings by learning how to truly talk, hear, and listen to your parents, guardians or caregivers instead of feeling like you have to run to friends to find some sense of acceptance, understanding, and real connection.

In this book, chock-full of questions and answers gotten directly from the source, you’ll learn what your parents, guardians or caregivers really expect of you—and maybe you’ll even find out how to explain to them what you really expect from them! Not that this book could ever replace a parent, because it can not. But when it comes to openly communicating certain key ideas, this book comes really close.

This tell-all guide contains lots of enlightening explanations and helpful answers to many common kid questions like:

  • What do my parents really want from me?
  • Why do my parents do what they do and say what they say?
  • What do I really need to know about my parents’ parenting skills?
  • How can I keep my parents happy with me?
  • How can I help my parents to help me?
  • How can I get what I want from my parents every time?

A-C-T like a Kid and T-H-I-N-K like a Parent is an intro to the secret knowledge of adults which is a set of informations that is mainly covered in the book entitled Surrogate Re-Parenting: A.K.A. Get Your Mind Right, and even more thoroughly covered in the book The Secret Knowledge Of Adults. While this book, A-C-T like a Kid and T-H-I-N-K like a Parent is intended for kids 10 and up, the info in this book is beneficial and useful to the intelligent kid parts in all of us. Yes, this means you too.

The information in this book will help you and yours to start to see your parents, not as the enemy, but as the caring human beings they really are, and take the first step toward family unity, understanding, growth, success, and happiness! Both you and your parents really deserve this, and with this book, A-C-T like a Kid and T-H-I-N-K like a Parent, you and your parents can actually achieve this.


Book Review: Secrets In The Woods by J.E Smythe (Cosy Mystery) Fantastic 4.5 Stars @jesmythe1m #amreading



About the Book

Title: Secrets in the Woods: An Emilia Long Mystery

Author: J.E. Smythe

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Secrets in the Woods is a gripping tale about Emilia Long- an Investigative Reporter and her quest to find out the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death. Long’s quest begins after reading documents left for her by her adopted mother revealing that she was abandoned as an infant at a Brooklyn hospital. The revelation led Emilia on a suspenseful journey to find her birth mother.

But finding her is not so easy. Her investigations reveal that her birth mother disappeared months before her birth and that the disappearance was linked to a murder. With the key suspect in her mother’s disappearance locked away in jail on unrelated charges and the townspeople, including the Sheriff, unwilling to help her, Emilia finds herself at a dead end. In an unimaginable twist of fate, Emilia discovers more than she bargained for. Some Secrets are really better left untold.

My Review: Fantastic 4.5 Stars

Thank you to Enchanted Book Promotions for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I am sorry I am a day late! I had no Wifi!

I was drawn to this book firstly because of the genre, the story-line and the fact that the author has found a lack of diversity in this genre with characters, the book really piqued my interest. I’m so glad I read this book all 140 odd pages kept me very engaged and wondering what will happen next?

The writing was easy to read and follow and the pace for me was good too, it moved along well without a lull. The characters I would say have been written well, the villains I had a dislike to (Odessa actually reminded me of someone I know), the main characters were like-able also. I  really really enjoyed this story and watching the mystery unfold.

What I would have liked is to hear more about Emilia’s grandfather’s life, when he left for New York. No spoilers so I’ll stop there. I feel like it could have added to the story to hear his POV, on the life changing events and big decision he made.

I’m giving Secrets in the Woods 4.5 fantastic stars because 1. the story is not predictable I was thinking and suspecting one thing, only to be proven wrong! The author did a great job at leading me astray then BAM a twist, well more than one actually! 2. I like that this book has a diverse line up of characters, it added to the reality of the world we live in. 3. it is a mystery yes, but there is an underline love story there with Emilia’s mum and Emilia herself, which was nice to read. Overall, I really really enjoyed reading this story. I would not hesitate to read another by this author, especially if she continues to write gripping stories with great twists and a diverse line up. I’m a fan.

About the Author:

In addition to her 9 to 5 attorney job, Smythe is also the co-founder of publishing company, Lady Esquire Group, LLC. The Attorney Author describes herself as a half analytic and half creative who was blessed to figure out how to join those halves together.   Her other books include: Through Grandma’s Eyes, Zora’s First Day and a Few Good Friends. When asked about the motivation for writing her latest work, she explained: “I’m a lover of the Cozy Mystery genre but I found that there were not a lot of those books written by African American Authors with African American characters. I just wanted to put a whole new face on such a fun and exciting genre.”

Smythe’s adept writing style in Secrets in the Woods is enticing and captivates readers from the first page. The novel feature a cast of believable characters and numerous twists and turns that will have readers begging for more.
Twitter: @jesmythe1
Instagram: @jesmythe1

Read some excerpts of the book here.

Book Excerpt: Secrets In The Woods- A Cosy Mystery by J.E Smythe #amreading



About the Book

Title: Secrets in the Woods: An Emilia Long Mystery

Author: J.E. Smythe

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Secrets in the Woods is a gripping tale about Emilia Long- an Investigative Reporter and her quest to find out the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death. Long’s quest begins after reading documents left for her by her adopted mother revealing that she was abandoned as an infant at a Brooklyn hospital. The revelation led Emilia on a suspenseful journey to find her birth mother.

But finding her is not so easy. Her investigations reveal that her birth mother disappeared months before her birth and that the disappearance was linked to a murder. With the key suspect in her mother’s disappearance locked away in jail on unrelated charges and the townspeople, including the Sheriff, unwilling to help her, Emilia finds herself at a dead end. In an unimaginable twist of fate, Emilia discovers more than she bargained for. Some Secrets are really better left untold.

In addition to her 9 to 5 attorney job, Smythe is also the co-founder of publishing company, Lady Esquire Group, LLC. The Attorney Author describes herself as a half analytic and half creative who was blessed to figure out how to join those halves together.   Her other books include: Through Grandma’s Eyes, Zora’s First Day and a Few Good Friends. When asked about the motivation for writing her latest work, she explained: “I’m a lover of the Cozy Mystery genre but I found that there were not a lot of those books written by African American Authors with African American characters. I just wanted to put a whole new face on such a fun and exciting genre.”

Smythe’s adept writing style in Secrets in the Woods is enticing and captivates readers from the first page. The novel feature a cast of believable characters and numerous twists and turns that will have readers begging for more.

Excerpt 1:

The dark garage parking lot was dimly lit by a flashing light fixture above the wall. The concrete floor echoed with footsteps of those who made their way to their cars. Emilia Long stood in the shadows checking the time on her cell phone. She leaned against the cold cement wall and folded her arms in nervous anticipation.

She then heard the sound of heels clunking against the concrete floor of the garage. She peeked out from the shadows and waved over a tall blond woman who was dressed in a neatly tailored skirt suit. Emilia had been in communication with the woman for some time. She was on the brink of breaking a national story against one of the wealthiest men in the state of New York. The woman was the wealthy man’s Executive Assistant and mistress. She was the only one who could give Emilia what she needed to break the story.

As an Investigative Reporter, Emilia had broken many news stories, but this was going to be the biggest. She’d hope that the woman hadn’t changed her mind and had brought with her all the documents that Emilia needed to write her story.

The woman approached Emilia holding a briefcase in her hand. Emilia smiled at her but could see the uncertainty on the woman’s face.

“I’m glad you came,” Emilia said to the woman.

“Well, I almost didn’t,” the woman replied.

She opened her briefcase and pulled out a large file. She hesitantly handed it over to Emilia.

“Everything you need is in there,” the woman said.

“Thank you so much for this. What are you going to do now?” Emilia replied with gratitude.

“I told him that my mother was sick, so I was taking a leave of absence. When this hits, it’s probably going to be an indefinite leave of absence,” the woman said.

“I promise, I won’t use your name. I don’t want this to disturb your life. He never has to know that this came from you,” Emilia told her.

“My life has been disturbed for a long time. I’ve just been in denial about it,” the woman said.

“What do you mean?” Emilia asked.

“Is this going to be part of your story?” the woman responded.

“Absolutely not. It’s strictly off the record. Besides, it looks like you need someone to talk to,” Emilia said.

“I’m from a small town in Maine. It’s beautiful there. The water, the air, you can’t imagine anything more peaceful. As I look back now, I’m not sure why I ever left. I guess I was chasing something. Anyway, I came to New York for college and never looked back. I barely called home,” the woman explained.

“Home is always there. At least that’s what I hear,” Emilia said.

“That’s what I hear too. So, I’m finally going back. It’s time for me to figure myself out,” the woman.

Excerpt 2:

Emilia sat on a wooden bench holding a cup of coffee in her hand dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and short leather jacket. She wore dark sunglasses to hide the puffiness of her eyes from crying. She had gone back to her apartment after meeting with the fake Elizabeth Potter and cried the whole night. Thoughts of the real Elizabeth, her mother, roamed through her mind the entire night. She wondered what she sounded like, did she have a favorite color, book, or TV show. But she mostly thought about what happened to her.

“Why am I meeting you in front of a hospital this early in the morning?” Chanel said as she walked up to Emilia.

Emilia looked up at her through her dark shades, “To get some answers.”

“At this hospital?” Chanel asked as she sat down next to her sister.

“Because this may be the only place that I can get some answers,” Emilia said.

“Like what?” Chanel asked.

“Like, I was born in Arbor, North Carolina,” Emilia answered.

“Yeah so?” Chanel asked again confused.

“So, how did I end up at this hospital in Brooklyn, New York?”

Chanel looked around bewildered. She, like Emilia had always assumed that Emilia’s birth mother was somewhere in New York.

“Here, this was in the folder too,” Emilia handed Chanel the newspaper clipping with the picture of Lizzie.

Chanel looked at the clipping and smiled, “She’s beautiful Em.”

“She was in high school when she had me,” Emilia said looking far off into the distance.

“Well, that explains why she gave you up. Same thing with my birth mother,” Chanel said.

“Yeah, I guess,” Emilia replied

“So, what are we going to do?” Chanel asked.

Emilia looked at Chanel. She took off her sunglasses to better connect with Chanel’s eyes. “There’s more to this story,” Emilia said. “There’s more to my story, and I have to find out what it is.”



About the Author

J.E. Smythe is an award winning author born in Liberia, West Africa, and raised in Providence, Rhode Island, and Gaithersburg, Maryland. J.E. is also an attorney who attended Allen University and received her Law Degree from Massachusetts School of Law. While working as an attorney, J.E. just could not let her passion to write die. She decided to take her legal writing skills and write her debut fiction novel “A Few Good Friends.” J.E. currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina where she has Co-founded Lady Esquire Group, LLC management and publishing firm. She is a proud member of Zeta phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Twitter: @jesmythe1
Instagram: @jesmythe1

Book Review: Saved by H. L Anderson Romantic Thriller 4 stars @HAAuthor #amreading



Title: Saved

Author: H.L. Anderson

Genre: Romantic Thriller

Theresa Kent is a wife, mom, and hardworking nurse living in rural Colorado. Life is good until her increasingly despondent, unemployed husband suddenly snaps—his vicious attack leaves Theresa fighting for her life as she tries to escape the insane version of the man she loves.

Ryan Tucker appears to have it all, except he’s been merely existing, not living, for the the last three years. His emotions get a much needed jump start when he rescues Theresa from the torment her life has become in just a matter of days. Ryan feels an instant and fierce desire to protect this stranger that fell into his life.

Hanging over their heads is the knowledge that Theresa’s husband is still out there, hunting for her.

Can two broken souls be repaired, or will the demons of the past and present come between the repressed love that grows between them?

My Review: 4 stars

Thank you to Enchanted Book Promotions for a ARC, in exchanged for an honest review. Well, I must say I was drawn in from page one. This author does a great job at starting off really strong in the opening! The moment I met Theresa she was fighting for her life literally. It was a great way to open, and start off this romantic thriller, I was sucked right in. The author’s descriptive writing style and clear knowledge of the medical field showed, as I read Theresa’s experience and trauma in chapter one and throughout the whole book. I was turning pages quickly.

There is not a dull moment in this story or this author’s writing style, this is a true romantic suspense/thriller story! The story moves pretty quickly and she has done a great job and building the romantic suspense elements between Ryan and Theresa. Ryan is in a dark place when he meets Theresa ,and so is she they do ‘save’ each other I liked this a lot. As a reader I could clearly see the lines blurred and feelings develop between the two.  What I really loved was Ryan, awww what a hero! He is just scrumptious! As a man, not  just physically… I mean his soul who he is regardless of being a well paid movie star.  I did sit and think ‘he is the kinda guy you would feel lucky to find.’ I loved him as a man and how he really fought and cared for Theresa. Theresa as a woman, is like-able but I could not really relate to her ‘sex is for married people’ POV , but hey that’s just me. I guess in a way it did add to the push and pull between the two, and chemistry with that said.

What I also liked about this novel is the fact that the story touches on what any woman, of any age or background could experience. Theresa is in a marriage that is no good for her in many ways. She has to get out, but at a cost her son.

What I would have liked is to hear the villain’s POV a bit more, after we meet him in chapter one and Theresa escapes, we don’t hear from him again  or  from his POV until the very end. It almost seemed like ‘ I saw that coming.’  because I never heard from him throughout, there was nothing to throw me off. I would have liked some kind of surprise with how and when I  heard from him again, and his final fate this could have built some drama, but I enjoyed it still, but a surprise would have really made me go ‘wow’! What a twist.’ There were no twists or turns in this story (that surprised me as a reader), but it was an enjoyable read .

Overall I’m giving Saved 4 stars because of the strong start that drew me in ,the overall pace keeps up there is no lull, Ryan’s swoon worthy character and the beautiful happy ever after really made my heart sing! I really liked the story. I would read more from this author if she wrote another romantic suspense/ thriller… but I’d love more twists and turns. I would recommend this novel to romantic suspense lovers, who like quick paced reads with great male leads fighting for vulnerable women, based on real life events that can happen and do happen everyday.

Author Bio

Holli Anderson has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing—which has nothing to do with writing, except maybe by adding some pretty descriptive injury and vomit scenes to her books. She discovered her joy of writing during a very trying period in her life when escaping into make-believe saved her. She enjoys reading any book she gets her hands on, but has a particular love for anything fantasy.

Along with her husband, Steve, and their four sons, she lives in Grantsville, Utah—the same small town in which she grew up.





Instagram: anderson.holli

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What Are You Reading This Weekend? #amreading

Well, I hope Conscious Talk Magazine is on your list! We’re live with November’s first issue. Plenty of news and articles focused on Thanksgiving, Christmas cheer, life, love, sex and relationships, fashion, LGBT, entertainment, black and ethnic news, parents and families, health and well-being, the writer’s life, books, food …. and more! Check us out enjoy

www.conscioustalkmag.comUpdated Banner

New Release: Only One Woman by Jane Risdon & Christina Jones #amreading #newrelease

21462771_145155906091240_1037942943964304548_n (1)


Two women, one love story.

June 1968. Renza falls head over heels for heartthrob guitarist Scott. But after a romantic summer together they are torn apart when Renza’s family moves away.

December 1968. On the night she believes to be her last, Stella meets Scott at a local dance. He’s the most beautiful boy she’s ever seen and if this one night is all they have, she’ll take it.

As the final colourful year of the sixties dawns, the question is: can there be only one woman for Scott?

Release date: 23rd November 2017

Available on and on pre-release now.

CTM will interview both authors on the 30th November issue stay tuned!

I’m Looking For Jane… She Emailed me


,I love books

Evening all,

I was on the sofa about to start reading for the evening, then I remembered  a lady called Jane emailed me about doing a guest post here on my blog about reading. I tried to respond to Jane, the answer is ‘yes I like the outline’, but the email address she sent is wrong. If you are the ‘Jane’ who emailed me please contact me again, I’d be happy to work with you…. But I can’t respond to you.  Now I’ll  head back to my sofa to read 🙂

The Lights Are On… But Nobody Is Home, Damn Creativity Block! #writerslife

Writer's Block

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing? How is November treating you so far? I hope it’s going well. For me I can hardly believe that we are two weeks in! Which means Christmas is coming and I can’t wait.

Since I last wrote a personal blog post (which feels like many moons ago), I have completed book #1 of my next romance series Romance in The City. It’s in editorial and with Beta Readers. Last night I sat down to continue writing for The Suspenseful Collection volume #2 with my co -author Didi Oviatt.  Do you know I could not write a Goddamn thing LOL. I don’t know what came over me. Have I been writing too much romance? I felt like I lost my suspense and thriller edge (if that’s possible) ….I just got distracted by the Internet and started watching make-up videos on YouTube…. so I gave up and focused on my book cover instead, for the romance novella. I brainstormed a few ideas and felt a bit better for doing something productive.

So far, for Nanowrimo I slowed a little in week #2. But this weekend the aim is to get back into it.  If you’re participating in Nanowrimo how are you doing? Are you knee deep in words or struggling creatively?  Either way may the creativity be with you this November!

Any tips on how to claim back my suspenseful edge? I was trying to craft a wicked crime scene with strong characters… something I pride myself on actually !  Last night every story I started I deleted. In my head I said I can’t send that to Didi to finish writing on…. If I do…..

Before: Didi

Didi (1)

After reading….

She’ll get on Skype and be like‘ WTF is that Kim, you expect me to finish writing that. LOL’ 

The lights are on, but nobody is home! Who stole my suspenseful edge give it back!! I hardly experience writer’s block, but when you write blindly with a co-author as a ‘panster’ , with no planning or discussion it’s such a challenge. Didi is so great at this her writing style is more panster than mine. Help!! The next collection has a lot to live up to from the first lot of stories, I am determine to blow you all away again. I’ll give it a few hours and get back behind the laptop, hopefully with my creativity strapped to my pants this time.




Improving your writing and that work in progress

Are you a writer? Head over to Jina’s blog for some great tips! Thanks for sharing Jina.

Jina S. Bazzar

To all the writers out there:

Want some tips in perfecting that work in progress that you’ve been struggling with?

Didi Oviatt, author of Search for Maylee, and Kim Knight, author of award winning romance, have published some interesting article on this topic .

Six Steps to Avoid Plot Gaps In Your Fiction Writing

Sometimes it can feel as though writing is the easy part, you just let it all out onto a page. The hardest is the….

Take That Project From Boring To Soaring

Do you ever feel like you’re swimming in circles? The water never changes temperature, there is never a current speeding the flow around you. You’re constantly….

Or if you need help with naming your characters, try this one:

Fiction Writing: How To Choose Fitting Names For Your Characters

Giving the characters of your book fitting names is often a very frustrating process. One…

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