365 Days of Writing Prompts for Romance Writers

Many of you might be wondering ‘why the hell have you written a writing prompt book?’ The long answer is very long, the short answer is, well I just love writing prompts. And writing prompt for romance writers are even better!  Those of you who have followed my blog since day one will know this, I have been blogging using writing prompts for short stories, random thoughts and to allow you all to get to know me since day dot when this blog started. I love picture prompts too. Back in the day say 2016-2018,  I used to participate in weekly writing prompt challenges much more than I do now. I think it’s so exciting to be given something, or even half of something and then to complete it and make it your own.

Also, they are really great for motivation also, writers often can suffer with procrastination a lot they can help overcome this.

What was the process like writing it?

Very different to a romance or thriller that’s for sure, and a hella-lot quicker! The idea started a little while back, if I think back to pin point it I’d say just before Didi and I started really working on The Suspenseful Collection #2 – Blurred Lines. I started to write down ideas, sentences, situations and things as prompts. I collected a lot and tucked them away. I took inspiration from situations or people (characters I guess), that just came to me.

Fast forward many, many months, one of my author friends on Facebook a fellow romance author Kristi Tailor had also been a busy bee. She has actually launched a line of journals, like notepads that are simply beautiful. She tagged me in on them on Facebook  I bought one yes, but it gave me the push I needed to actually get my manuscript together and write the damn book! So I did!  I kinda thought ‘get out of your fiction writing for a bit, do something different during lock down.’

The first step was to look at what I had so I could organise them somewhat, and try to ensure that they are not too similar. Then, from here I thought okay, let’s make it 365 days of prompts because really where possible, I’d love to help keep my fellow writers going all year! You see lots of 101 or a less books of writing prompts. I wanted to make it as full as possible.

I decided on a ‘theme’ for each month, be it new directions in love, love in an unexpected place etc also some genre focused months, like historical, paranormal etc. However each of the prompts can be adapted to any genre really. If you’re an urban romance writer  for example just place the situation or characters you feel drawn to, in an urban setting. So from here, I organised the prompts from January – September with a focus for each month.

January- New Directions Love
February- Unexpected New Love
March- Fresh Starts and New Beginnings
April- Love in Unexpected Places
May- Historical, Regency and Multicultural
June- Contemporary Romance
July- Paranormal, Horror and Dark Romance
August- Christmas and Holiday Love
September- Mixed Bag of Goodies!

How Did You Put Your Own Spin On Things? So Others Can Put Their Own Spin On Things?

In three main ways, firstly within  365 Days of Writing Prompts For Romance Writers  nothing is set in stone and I make that clear, I want writer’s imaginations to run wild, which means take an idea and make it your own. Secondly, I have learned the beauty over the years since 2016 of personal blogging, not just for myself but the beauty of it or readers of your work or those that simply wish to follow your online author site/blog. Therefore, I dedicated three months of the year to personal blogging with prompts that are general, random and allow writers to express themselves as people. Not just creatively in fiction. I really want to encourage writers to put their personalities and self out there! To grow, engage, interact etc. On Facebook I am a moderator for a book club group, we have ‘question of the day’ each day. One question I asked was ‘what do readers like to receive in newsletters?’ To my surprise ( really it should not have been) a  book club member responded, ‘to know the author and their personality and snap shot of them and their lives.’ This got me thinking, as my response was ‘ I do all that on my blog’ and it dawned on me that even if bloggers, writers whatever you want to call yourselves feel that no one tunes into YOUR blogs, some really do!! So do it!! Write those personal rambles and give a feel of who you are, as a person. Be human. October- December Romance Writers’ Blog Writing Challenge Prompts.

That’s why I have included the ‘three month romance writer’s personal blog challenge,’ with prompts dedicated to this within 365 Days of Writing Prompts For Romance Writers. In a nutshell, I’ve created a two for the price of one, or two in one book. Creative writing fictional prompts for romance writers yes, but also inspiration for those with a copy of the book to be themselves and engage, and to encourage them to start a blog and how!

Thirdly, I’ve kept the prompts pretty open. There are so many directions writers can go in, with questions like ‘what happens next after character A and B do x,y.z’  or ‘you decide why they are broken-hearted’, ‘you decide how they are linked’. I’ve provided situations for love to bloom or people/characters for writers to create the love in a particular context. There is a lot of room for creativity with a starting point.

What About Structure?

There is none LOL if it’s January and you like  writing a prompt in September, so what? You do not need to work to dates at all. This is just purely for organisation. Also some prompts are based on particular days that are celebrated around the world, like World Braille Day for example. There’s a prompt with a partially sighted character. But nope, no real structure also the personal blogging challenges I encourage writers to start as soon as they pick up the book don’t wait until October.

Will You Do Another One?

Yes, yes and yes! I think I have the bug. I plan on doing one for crime, thriller, mystery and suspense writers. Also,  I actually have some other things up my selves for the series of ‘savvy writer’s’ books I wish to put out. So stay tuned.

So in a nutshell… you did it because, Kim?

I wrote this book because it was an idea that had to be brought to life! One I’ve had for a while and  got a real taste for. Of course I will still write romantic suspense and crime, thrillers but I also wish to do writing reference books too. In a nutshell I want to help all of you! And share creative ideas.


365daysromance - excerpt

Welcome! This book of writing prompts is for all my ‘tribe’ of fellow romance writers, no matter what sub-genre or heat level you represent. I’d love to spend the year with you as you create some great stories. You might be thinking ‘well who the hell is this woman, and why has she done this?’ Okay, here’s the deal. Back in 2016 I crossed paths with a fellow suspense and thriller author, we became wonderful friends and for sure she’s a girlfriend for life. Her name is Didi Oviatt, you may know her. Anyway, we went on to start a very simple blogging challenge together where we created short stories of about 2,000-3,000 words each week. One of us would write one half, and the other would finish it. No discussion, planning or anything. The best bit is we used writing prompts voted on by our blog followers and readers. At the time of writing this four years later, we’re seventeen stories and two novels deep! We have published them and are currently working on book three. I have also used writing prompts to interact with my followers, readers and fans via my own author site since day one. I love writing prompts, so for me, writing prompts have really helped with creativity, productivity and most importantly building a readership. If it can work for me, friend it can work for you. If you’re still curious, my bio is below.


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I was born in 1983 I’m from London in the UK. I’m a mother to a beautiful little boy, and a proud award-winning author. While this book was on pre-sale on Amazon, this book hit the number one spot on Amazon’s romance writer’s reference new release list, so I guess I’m also a best-selling author now too, LOL. I  started my  journey as a traditionally published author and later dived into self-publishing also. As a reader, I love romance, historical fiction, crime fiction, African-American, suspense and thrillers books. As a writer, I enjoy creating steamy stories with a diverse and multi-cultural line up within the romance, romantic suspense and general thriller and crime genres. When I’m not reading or writing my other passions include practising my French, fashion, drawing, make-up artistry, spending time at my sewing machine dressmaking, watching make –up and beauty tutorials on YouTube, letter writing and being a mum.

How Best to Use this Writing Reference Book and Prompts

Firstly, why even use writing prompts? Well, if my introduction has not pushed you in the right direction to understand the benefits, here’s the real deal. We all get stuck! No matter how good of a writer we are, how creative, or even how motivated, some days the words or characters just run dry as hell. I’ve been there. So, to keep it real, the purpose of this book is to help you avoid the dry spells as much as possible and keep you fresh!

The best way to use this writing reference is to keep in mind these five small things.

  1. Make every prompt your own—you will find situations or people within each prompt. Nothing is set in stone, each prompt is just an idea or even outline or direction, if you like, for where you could head. I don’t really recommend (unless you really feel drawn to my prompt) that you stick to it and not put your own spin on it somehow. Take a prompt and add, or subtract, what you feel suits your style, storytelling, experience or even desire. Basically, don’t feel stuck with what you have; it’s just an idea to get your juices flowing.
  2. No matter your genre, steal it and use it! So, as you know by now, in the romance genre I’m a romantic suspense writer in principle. Yes, I have written other stuff and yes, I can write other stuff. But, I always default here because I love to read and write romantic suspense. So, with these prompts, I have kept them as generic as possible. This means if you like an idea, and wish to make it a paranormal, urban or fantasy romance, go for it! Like I said, don’t feel stuck. Take the general idea and flip it to your own script.
  3. Heat and steam levels are completely free for all! I like my romance steamy, maybe you’re a sweet and clean writer, that’s cool. Do what you wish in terms of heat levels, if you want to ramp up a prompt and make it high in heat…please do, I’d love to read it too!
  4. Dip in and out of each month, week, etc. as you see fit, too. You can go through January-December or mix it up.
  5. The last three months of the year, all the prompts are personal blogging prompts and I recommend that if you have not already, you really start to develop an author site or use your current one and do some personal blogging. (More on that later.) Again, you don’t need to wait until October to start, start today!

Free to read on Kindle Unlimited, note that the paperback version will allow you to plot your ideas out under each prompt.