FREE Amazon Download 24-26th December only!

Merry  Christmas from me to all readers!  Free for three days only on Amazon.

NJFC cover 2019

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From enemies to lovers two lonely hearts become one with a heart warming twist…

Not Just For Christmas is book #2 of the Romance in The City series of stand-alone, novella length, romantic, steamy stories set in fast paced cities all around the world. Readers are taken on a romantic journey set in London, during the festive season following two characters originally opposed to each other fall in love. There’s enough warmth and sensuality to keep readers warm at any time of year.

As Christmas draws near thirty five year old social worker Ava Green, finds herself desperate to not be alone at her favourite time of year. Following the break up of her engagement earlier in the year, Ava has spent ten months on a mission to get over her ex. With the support of her two closest girlfriends Tasha and Marie, Ava makes a bold move that surprises her girlfriends in order to find a companion for the festive season. Ava’s path crosses with tall dark and handsome Detective Jerome Samuels, an older man and a divorcee in search of love, the sad thing is Ava can’t stand him. Once their paths cross after a few bumps along the way there’s no turning back, these two characters are caught up in a whirlwind of sensual and heart warming romance, once they settle their differences. A love affair that Detective

70+ Giveaways, Free downloads, Kindle Unlimited Books & Author Goodies! #amreading

Merry Christmas bookworms… head to book reading heaven below. Some authors are giving away freebies, some on Kindle Unlimited to read, all kinds of bookish stuff to end 2019.

Heat up holiday

A lovely bundle of authors check them out on  this link.

holiday romanceGotta love some free romance this Christmas. Check out this group of authors here.

naughty authors

A fresh group of naughty authors for you here!

New Authors

Lovely mixed group, lot’s to choose from here.

Winter KUSnuggle up this Winter and Christmas, lots of authors to discover here.

Racy Reads Oh la la! Racy reads to discover here on your Kindle.

Steamy hols

Steam up your Kindle here!


Romance on KU

Jump in KU members, a great group of authors here to discover.Romance giiveawaysomething a little different in this group of authors, check them out here.

Meet The Author- Samantha Sanchez! Urban Fiction Author @RRBookTours1

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It’s time to meet another author, let’s get to know Samantha’s style… She answered all my questions, grab a drink!

Hello nice to meet you! Tell us a bit about you where are you from and other than writing what else do you enjoy?

My name is Samantha, I was born and raised in San Diego I have an associates degree in both Psychology and Liberal Arts with a focus on Social and Behavioral Sciences. My next step is to get my bachelors in film because other than writing, I love movies. I don’t really go out much so I find enjoyment either watching a movie or tv series at home in bed or in the movie theater. I also enjoy theater.

How did you start writing? What was your inspiration to create?

I started writing when I was really young, I wanna say 12 years old maybe 13. My mom says I was 10. I grew up an only child and had a really active imagination so I was already talented in creating stories but at 12 was the first time I remember putting my imagination on paper. We were reading some short story in class and as our homework assignment we had to write a different ending to the story. So I did and it was great and I wanted to keep writing stuff so I bought a composition book and started putting my ideas down.

Who is your favourite author, is there anyone out there that inspires you?

I don’t really have a favorite author. I have books that I like and they’re by different authors and different genres. There is one particular one that I favor because every book of hers I’ve read of hers is so captivating and real. That author is Sista Souljah. Her books kinda gave me the idea that real life like drama isn’t just for TV and movies. That there is a market for it.

Kim- Agreed, I have read two of her works, The Coldest Winter which I just could not believe I read it so fast. Also Midnight, I have had on my Kindle for a good few years the second part to Midnight, it was such a great love story.

What genre do you enjoy reading?

Oddly, The genres I read, aside from sista souljah, is not what I write. I’m in love with historical fiction. Mostly based around English Monarch’s of old. I started with the Tudor era when I was 15. I read “Mary, Bloody Mary.” by Carolyn Meyer and I related to Mary’s struggle a little bit and was captivated and have been stuck ever since.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

I don’t think it has changed my process. I’ve never really had a specific process. I get an idea, I write it down and maybe I can use it, build from it or maybe I can’t. I never know until I know.

So you’ve published a series, what is the series about?

Well I haven’t yet. Prodigal is the first book in a planned trilogy with potential for spin offs.

What was it like creating back to back stories that link?

It’s a little harder now that the first one is done and out there because I can’t go back. I have to build with what I already set up and get creative with the new information as it relates to events that already happened. It’s continuing the same story but making sure that the characters are growing and not the same people but still keep it interesting. It’s a lot of fun.

Have you ever thought about writing in a different genre? If you could what genre would you like to dabble in?

I don’t know. If I had to choose maybe horror. I have an idea for a murder mystery. A “guess the killer” type of thing with a twist ending.

Kim– ‘Guess the killer’ sounds like a who-dun-it to me, not bad!

What has been your most proud moment as an author?

Finally finishing the book and then actually publishing it. It’s something I’ve said I was gonna do for years but I was always too scared to put myself out there.

Was there ever a time you wanted to pick up your laptop, and then launch it out the window with frustration?

No. I have gotten a little aggressive with my journals though. I’ve ripped out pages and littered my floor with rejected storylines and dialogues and scenarios.

Are you a “plotter” or a fly by the seat of your pants “pantster” as a writer?

Both really. I became more of a plotter when I started the process of rewriting this story. It’s going to be multiple books but it’s still one long story/journey that the protagonist and those surrounding her go through in their lives. So while I prefer to just fly by the seat of my pants, free write and see where it goes and go with it. I have to plot what needs to happen to the protagonist in order for her to make the decisions she needs to make and get where she needs to go in life no matter how difficult.

Am I the only one who gets hung up on commas? Do they make you go blah! when you’re writing?

I hate commas. I know throughout this book there are commas in places they shouldn’t be and missing in places where they should be. I think I was absent the day they taught commas in school. To me, in my mind it’s like I can’t hear commas when someone is speaking and I don’t speak with commas when I talk so why do I need to write them? It’s not important to the story. lol

Kim- Yeah, I hear that. I was taught to place them where you would naturally pause or breathe, but everyone talks at a different speed….so…..




Every writer has a word(s) that they always slip up on when they write, then slap their forehead when they notice their typo. For me it’s further and farther exit or exists-  but hey I’m over it now.  Do you have a word (s) that make you go blah! Go away not another damn typo.


I always mess up with loose and lose. I think that typo even made it into the published book. I don’t know how to explain it in too much detail without confusing even myself, but the spelling of “lose” like “You’re gonna lose” feels like it should have the double “O” as well but it doesn’t and it drives me NUTS!

Kim- LMFAO… okay I-ma break it down, lose= you need lose the O. Loose, you need two O. I have messed up with this word too. That’s how I try to remember.

What three tips would you give any aspiring writer?

1)Keep every draft of everything you write. Even if you can’t fit certain ideas into the story you’re currently working on you may find room for it in another book down the road.

2)Don’t let anyone rush you. Storytelling is an art and you can’t rush your art. It’s done when it’s done no matter how long or how short. It’s your story, take your time flush out everything until you’re happy with what you have.

3)Stay true to your vision. Everyone may not understand your vision but you do, others out there will too. Assert yourself and don’t allow other’s vision or “expert” opinions eclipse your own. From your style of writing, the content you’re writing,to the book cover. You know what you want to say, speak. Don’t apologize for it. Don’t compromise your vision.

Kim- I back points two and three wholeheartedly!

What are you working on now? What will you release next?

I am working on two stories right now. The first one is the Follow up to Prodigal, titled Lyrical Chaos. Lyrical Chaos is the continuation of Lyric’s journey in the public eye and the mental and emotional toll trying to defend who she is in life and how she’s trying to grow as an individual against what people see on TV or read on the internet.

The second one is titled Sister to Sister.It’s too soon to tell if Sister to Sister is going to be a stand alone or a series and this one is about the psychosocial effects colorism has on the relationship between two biological sisters, one dark skinned, one light skinned.

I don’t know which one I’m releasing next to be honest. I have so many versions of Lyrical Chaos written and I just started working on Sister to Sister, it’s a toss up.

So…. where can we get your books?

My books are for sale on Amazon.

What does “success” look like to you? When would you say “damn, I’ve made it baby!”

My first success was publishing the book in the first place. I was able to say I wrote a book and show it to people. That was success to me. The ULTIMATE dream of success and making it is when I can quit my regular 9-5 job and live comfortably off of my book sales. I’ll be over the moon when I have nothing to do but sit with my family in front of a TV and watch a Netflix or Amazon Original Adaptation of one of my books. Then I’ll have left a permanent mark on the world. That’s the Final “I did it”

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

I don’t research too much before the book. I usually research while writing the book. For example, My lead character in prodigal is pregnant and I myself have never been pregnant. I happened to be studying life cycles that semester so I got the stages of development from my lectures and textbooks, I asked some family members and friends who had been pregnant certain things and the rest from google.

With book 2 Lyrical Chaos, a couple of the characters struggle with drug addiction. Something I again have never been through in life, so with that I research by asking people that have struggled with addiction any questions I might have about drugs and I also refer back to my textbooks for some stuff as well. Same with Sister to Sister, I’m asking people about their experiences so that, combined with my own, I can make my characters and their struggles as real and authentic as possible.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

As Of now, I’ve not had my book formally reviewed by anyone. I’ve had friends and family tell me what they think, and it’s usually all really good. My cousin told me it made him think of his wife and wonder if she’s ever felt the way the character feels and asks himself if he’s doing enough and if not, what can he do better to support her emotionally? That made me feel really good because I hadn’t expected that kind of response. I also had another cousin criticize my lead character and I took as a personal attack because I modeled her so closely to myself that it felt like a criticism of me. I had to remind myself that it’s fiction first and foremost and that he, like everyone else, is entitled to their own perceptions. I’m bracing myself for more negative opinions as I move forward. I hope there’s more positive than negative but I’m preparing myself

Do you Google yourself?

I did once. Nothing really came up except a link to my facebook page. This was years ago though. When Prodigal was still sitting in my drawer collecting dust.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

I hope it doesn’t take me as long to write the next books as it did this first one. The first draft which is nothing like what I published was started in 2010 and ended in 2011. I left it alone for two years. In 2013 I brought it back out and rewrote it from beginning to end that took about a year. Then I put it in my drawer for another 3 years pulled it out, made some changes and retyped it in a few months then started the publishing process.

I want to say a year average but I’ve been working on Lyrical Chaos since before I rewrote Prodigal into the published version it is now and I’m not close to finishing that yet.

What would you like readers to know?

I would like my readers to know that their actions have consequences directly and indirectly and be careful about whose life you chose to insert yourself in and who you allow to be inserted into your life. I heard a Pastor say one time “that friends are for a reason, sometimes for a season not always for a lifetime.” If your situation is seasonal with seasonal people, even if it ends badly or just fizzles out, as long as you have grown from it and learned from it then you have a lifetime of experiences that can be used for something good. That’s how this book came about for me.

What’s your favourite movie?

The Little Mermaid. I always saw Ariel as brave, she left her home, her family, the only life she knew and followed her heart. It’s been argued that she did it because of a guy but it was also because she wanted to have new experiences and adventures that she would never have experienced had she not left her world behind. The fact that a handsome prince was there to show her his world was a bonus as well as the motivating factor.

Gone With The Wind. Scarlett O’hara was the post civil war era version of a self made woman. She did what she had to do in order to ensure that she would never go hungry again who was too stubborn and headstrong for her own good sometimes and unfortunately it led to her losing someone who truly loved her for her and not who she pretends to be but there’s a lesson in that too.

The Rage Carrie 2:It’s my go to angry movie.

 Where would you like to travel to and why?

I’d like to travel to the European countryside because it’s so different than what I’m used to everyday and I imagine that it would be beautiful and peaceful like in every childhood movie I’ve ever seen that takes place in the European countryside. I feel like I could think more clearly there.

Tell us about how you develop your characters?

My characters are rooted in people I know in real life. Some are a mash up of a couple of other people into one but mostly, based off real life. If they didn’t actually say it or do it then they could have. I used my studies in psychology to make up a plausible reason as to why they are who they are, what could have happened to develop this kind of attitude or behavior good or bad and then I can combine the real present with the fake backstory and figure out where they would go from here.How they grow IF they grow.

Which one of your characters is your favourite and why?

James. Because he’s based off of my own cousin and the relationship between James and Lyric is my favorite relationship. In real life and in the book. He always makes me smile.

If you could do it all again would you change anything?

I wish I could say yes. I really do. But no. If I hadn’t had the experiences that I’ve had in life, no matter how much it hurt. As of this moment, If I were to get in a time machine and go back 10/11 years with the opportunity to change it, I wouldn’t. Because If I hadn’t had the experiences I’ve had, I wouldn’t have the book I have now. Even the process of writing it and how long it took me, I wouldn’t change it because it’s made me a better writer. I’m still growing as a writer as well so in 10 years I’ll be a stronger storyteller than I am now. Everything is a learning experience.

Kim- That makes so much sense, I agree. I would not redo anything either. I’m actually glad to hear this!

Pick one a one time “Bestselling author” or an author with longevity what would you rather?

I’d pick being an author with longevity. I want to be one that sticks.

Kim- Amen to that! I agree.

Thank you for stopping by today! I wish you all the best with your future.


Author Pic

About the Book

Lyric is 21 years old and bored with the inhibited lifestyle of endless church activities she’s been forced to participate in since childhood. When she is offered the opportunity to be on a reality show, she jumps at the chance to move in with five strangers under the premise of pursuing further education. However, a surprise pregnancy causes her life to take an unexpected turn. Being overlooked and pushed to the side by her child’s father coupled with his lack of consideration cause her insecurities to deepen, while her pains and humiliation are documented for everyone to see. The show becomes a hit and she a star but now she has to find a way not to let the pain she feels destroy her heart and poison her soul.

Out Now On Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

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Throwback Thursday! It’s 1995. Who Remembers The Song+ Movie?? #throwback

I was just driving home from dropping my son off to school, it’s wet, raining and cold! Then this song came on the radio,  my whole morning just flipped.  I turned it up LOUD in the car and didn’t stop singing until I got in the house, and started this blog post LOL. This is one of my favouite songs, I find it so beautiful. I also love when contestants on shows like X-Factor do a really good job during their audition, or performances when they sing this song. Did you know this song was written in 1987 by Seal originally? Then released later.

It’s the year 1995, the Batman Forever movie has just been released and we’ve all been blessed with Seal’s talent.  What were you doing in 1995? I was just leaving school.It’s karaoke time and throwback Thursday….  ready ?Baaaaaaaaaaaaaabay, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey… ohhhhhhhhh the more I get from you the stranger it feels, yeaaaahh!

Book Review- ‘Toxic Spirits’ by Mani (Mystery, Multicultural) 3.5 Unique Stars!


Thank you to NetGallery for my free copy, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. There is some beautiful writing here, and I very much enjoyed this unique novel I was pulled in. However, I found the plot a little hard to follow and got lost…I feel like I need to read it again later, as I am sure there’s a five star reading experience for me here. Let’s get into the review.


For fans of John Burdett (Bangkok 8) and John Le Carre (The Constant Gardener): Toxic Spirits is a highly atmospheric thriller set in Thailand, a playground for colorful expats, beautiful women and limitless skullduggery. Narrated with insightful meditations on nature and biodiversity, interspersed with macabre violence and dark hilarity, the novel is also a brilliant, genetics- and AI-inspired take on multiculturalism and personal identity.
Toxic Spirits is the first volume of a TRILOGY dealing with the effects of unfettered venality on marginalized Southeast Asian communities. A teaser for the second book is included at the end. Advance Praise:

  • “A complex and enthralling international intrigue with a treasure of remarkable detail neatly packed into a short novel that dances on the edge of John le Carré territory. A rich read from start to finish.” Frederick Barthelme, author of New Yorker stories and eleven novels including There Must Be Some Mistake.
  • “Mani writes Thailand beautifully with heart and a lot of souls.” Colin Cotterill, author of The Coroner’s Lunch, from the Dr. Siri Paiboun mystery series, and sixteen other novels set in Laos and Thailand.
  • Toxic Spirits is a striking debut. Its prose, fluid, will tug you along; its dialogue, rendered gracefully, sparkles with authority; its plot is loaded with much to love, plenty to leave you in the kind of wonderment your soul has sought in books.” Mark Wisniewski, Pushcart-prize winning short story writer and author of Watch Me Go.
  • “A fabulous writer whose sensuous and affecting prose both beguiles and transforms.” Tom Vowler, author of story collection The Method and novel What Lies Within.

Synopsis: Benton, a widowed African-American intelligence analyst from Washington D.C., retires to Thailand. At an expat bar, he is captivated by Siri, a beautiful tribal singer. When Siri disappears, he discovers that she had been speaking out about the side-effects from drug trials conducted on her hill-tribe. Benton’s investigations draw him uncomfortably close to Pierre, the seriously disturbed Indo-Cambodian doctor running the trials. Becoming an unwilling guinea-pig in the trials, Benton is transformed by the genetically-engineered drugs and falls in love with Mimi, a stunning and gifted young Thai-Australian. As the genetic manipulations spiral out of control and spread to the botanical treasures of Thailand’s Golden Triangle, the forces of tribal healing, high-tech medicine, and love battle to determine who will survive.

Kim’s Review 3.5 ‘unique and interesting stars!’

After browsing the multicultural section on NetGallery it was the cover, and title that drew me in. Reading the blurb I found it intriguing. And that’s how I would sum up the reading experience, very intriguing. There is an awful lot I like about this book. I think the author does have a beautiful descriptive style. I appreciated this as a reader, especially as I love location based stories in far away places. I also really loved all the characters, they all jumped out and really are well developed. The main character himself Benton, he was really funny at times and like-able.

I also loved that this novel has such a multicultural feel, it’s set in Thailand yes, but characters are from as far as Scotland and all over the world. I loved it.

I also really loved the uniqueness and how the story unfolds around a demographic of people. The Palin and their history, from a scientific and historical POV.

I did find the story engaging, I did whip through the first fifty percent, but it got a bit challenging. By this I mean, we are  introduced to LOTS of characters early on, at first I could not understand the ‘link’ to the plot, then it started to tie up. By then, I kind of was a bit lost in what was happening. I do pay a lot of attention as a reader, especially when it’s a complex plot such as this, but I still got a bit lost in the overall structure. Like I said, I would re-read it and try to absorb it better. It’s a trilogy and I would read more from this author for sure. I love his writing style and ability to create some great characters…not to mention a very complex plot!

If it were a little more easier to read through first time, I think I would say I had a five star reading experience. In all honesty, there is nothing I dislike! It really boiled down to getting a bit lost at times. Which resulted in it taking me much longer than average to read a book of just 250 pages. Overall, 3.5 unique, engaging stars! I’d read more.


Out Now On Pre-Sale & Kindle Unlimited- Release Date 6th February 2020. #amreading #romance #kindleunlimited

Would you risk a second chance, 4,000 miles away in paradise?

Chances, A Puerto Rican Love Affair is book three of the Romance Set In Paradise Series. Of romantic, steamy and suspenseful stand-alone novella length stories, all set in exotic locations around the world. Each one can be read as a stand-alone book.  Out now on pre-order and Kindle Unlimited Amazon Links—-)

Chances ebookThirty-one year old Gabby from Barcelona, Spain has a love for the finer things in life including successful men. She finds herself in need of a change of scene. Opportunity knocks when the European company she works for as a successful estate agent, selling properties to elite clientele expand. Giving her the chance to take a one month work sabbatical, in the beautiful vibrant Caribbean island Puerto Rico. She snaps up the chance to leave Europe behind. Here her path crosses with thirty-five year old Puerto Rican born Mateo Sanchez. A former ‘bad boy’ turned entrepreneur. They touch each other on a physical and soul level, the two become connected. Thing is, while the passion, heat and romance builds between the two, the pair’s love affair becomes caught up in a web of lies, deceit, and betrayal from the past.

Mateo and Gabby fight hard for their blossoming relationship, and against the drama that keeps following them. But there are decisions and sacrifices to make if they are really going to make it work. There’s nothing that Mateo won’t do to show his growing admiration for Gabby, even when the police get involved and he’s in the hot seat. His hand is forced he’s pushed to make moves he promised he would never do again, due to past events and to move forward with Gabby. Gabby is faced with the decision over what sacrifices she’ll make, and where she really sees her future. Back in Spain, London or 4,000 miles away in Puerto Rico. Romance, soul mate connection, heat, lies, betrayal and brushes with the law await readers in this exciting multicultural ‘second chance’ romance.

I am so proud and pleased guys! National Novel Writing Month 2019’s baby here. I still can’t believe I completed the challenge. I loved every moment of writing this book, all 63,000 words!  This is so different to Havana Heat and Lover’s Retreat- books #1 and #2 of the series. You can pre-order now and yes, I’ve included this title in Kindle Unlimited so members can read free!



Book Review- ‘PATCH LANE’ (Thriller), by S.F Barkley. 5 STARS! **Page Turner Alert** @barkley_f @btwnthelinespub @RRBookTours1 #PatchLane #BlogTour #Thriller #RRBookTours

Tour Banner.jpgThank you to R and R Book Tours for my free copy, in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.This is the second ‘debut’ psychological thriller I have read in one month, all I can say is ‘girl, that’s how it’s done! Good job’ Let’s get into this 5 star review!!


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Patch Lane

Publication Date: October 22, 2019

Genre: Thriller

Sarah Hastings is a rookie cop who works the night shift in Amber Forest, a small rural town nestled in the Western Pennsylvania mountains. After repeatedly responding to an abandoned and allegedly haunted farmhouse for 911 hang up calls, she discovers a dead body in a secret room. The forensic investigators determine that the body has only been dead for three to four days, but the case takes an unexpected turn when Sarah runs the victim’s fingerprints and finds that her Jane Doe actually died 20 years ago.

The murder investigation is complicated with a sloppy autopsy and delayed forensic reports. When the US Marshals and FBI join the case, Sarah realizes that she is caught in a web of jurisdictional politics that seem to care less about the victim and are more concerned with a larger confidential case. Sarah soon realizes that she may be closer to the victim than she thought and finds herself drawn deeper into the case, threatening not just her career, but her life.

Kim’s Review 5 ‘that’s how it’s done’ stars!

The book blurb got me as soon as I read it, twenty years ago the victim died?? I thought, okay this should be good, and it was. This is the author’s first full novel from what I understand, from my reading experience she is talented, and I would for sure read more thrillers from her. Here’s what I loved.

Characters- all very believable in my opinion, especially Sarah herself. At times I forgot she is only twenty-five, she came across as more than a ‘rookie’ cop. Her whole persona as a character really did shine through.

The other detective she works with later ( no spoilers) Matt, he is really cool as well. I mean that literally, when dealing with suspects he had that ‘smoothness’ about him. But the scene where he literally losses his s*hit and said ‘that b*itch is lawyering up’  when he was interviewing a suspect, had me rolling in laughter. Because the whole thing was written so well, the tense atmosphere I could feel it while he was questioning a suspect trying to be cool,  then lost it when he left the interview room. Here, I gave the author a high five  as a reader because I felt the whole scene of tension as a reader.

The other characters really surprised me, and I liked that this author factored in a major real life ‘situation’ around mental illness, and even sixth sense ability.  It to me appeared to be accurate how the characters behaved and well researched. Overall, great character line up.

Pace and storytelling- ohhh this author knows how to tell a tale in ‘beats’, I was taken on a journey as a reader.  I personally feel in the thriller genre, as a reader this is what I want, it excites me when I can’t put the book down, because the author has me like ‘ but hold on, what happens next?’ I felt as a reader it started out moving quickly, I got into the story straight away from the first few pages. Then, it came across like a cosy mystery as things were unfolding at a slower pace, hints of things were sprinkled through the story to keep you thinking. In the end it all tied up.

Then about just over half way BOOM!!! The red herring,  the part of  the author’s plot to throw me as a reader came in. As I read this new twist in the  plot, I turned the page and said in my head ‘damn, I never expected that, so who was it then?’ Then, the character ( the detective), said the same thing I just said to myself. He said it as I  the reader, learned what he just learned  as the detective the ‘plot twist.’ Again, I high fived the author, because the twist was cool, and the way a character voiced what I was thinking as a reader to me was really cool too.

Overall, in my reading experience Patch Lane is a thriller in its true sense of the meaning, no BS, not underdeveloped and no plot gaps or predictable. In addition, it is a great story very enjoyable and engaging, and delivers what’s on the blurb. I really really really enjoyed it and found it hard to put down. Also, it’s just 200 pages, and it’s 200 pages of a plot that moves! Not drags.  I loved it, 5 stars I would recommend Patch Lane to all thriller, crime, and detective ‘cosy mystery’ lovers. Me, I’m waiting impatiently for the next one to drop, I can’t wait to read it. Well done S.F Barkley!

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S.F. Barkley is a former police officer who uses her law enforcement knowledge and experience along with her love for all things creepy to create short stories and novels. She had several eerie experiences as a cop, including having discovered secret underground tunnels and responding to 911 hang up calls to an abandoned industrial building. She has published short horror stories in various anthologies and is publishing her debut mystery novel, Patch Lane, in October 2019. She was raised in Western Pennsylvania and currently resides in Maryland with her husband and their rescue pup.

S.F. Barkley | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

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R&R Book Tours

Here Come The ‘Naughty’ Bunch!- 6 Erotic/steamy Authors! Try a New Author on Kindle Unlimited or .99p #amreading #erotica #kindleunlimited

erotica authors.jpgHe he.. I’m saving my guilty pleasure genre until last. Here are six different steamy and erotic authors, waiting to pleasure you… on Kindle Unlimited of course. If you’re not a member some might be just .99p. Please be over eighteen years old, I don’t want no one’s mama coming after me for being a bad influence. Grab your naughty reads, try something new.


OMG! The ‘Dark & Twisted’ Author’s Take over- 31 Authors, All Genres on Kindle Unlimited or .99p #amreading #kindleunlimited @didi_oviatt

Dark and Twisted.jpgAwww wee! This group looks interesting. Join Author Cora Clark’s book club, here are thirty one different authors who have their ‘dark and twisted’ tales, across all genres to share with you. Free on Kindle Unlimited or some .99 cent! Grab them until the 30th December 2019.


Ayeee! It’s The Crime, Thriller, Suspense & Mystery Author’s Take over. Kick-Ass Authors! #amreading #kindleunlimited @didi_oviatt

Suspense Author's take Over.jpgThat’s right, they’re taking over for sixty days on KU… who-dun-it?, What happens next? The twists, turns and suspense awaits you. Here are eight ( at the time of me posting there may be more added), great authors and books free to read on Kindle Unlimited. If you’re not a KU member, some may even be .99 or free during the promotion time. Take a peek on the link below and discover them.