Writing Prompt: A Tiny Story- Crime Thrill & Suspense! #amwriting


Gabriel clenched his teeth feeling the porcelain slide. He took a deep breath, relaxed his jaw. “You have two choices,” he said, “you can leave on your feet or on a gurney…” (Continue to write about who Gabriel is and who he is talking to.)Female-Private-Investigators-Eliza-0614333632_1

Gabriel looks Sanchez in the eye he waits for his response. He is losing his patience with this no good snitch. Gabriel pulls back the trigger on his gun and steps forward, pushing his face in front of Sanchez. The two men square up. At six-foot-two, Gabriel towers over Sanchez’s five-foot-ten height.

“I’ll say it one more time for you Sanchez, just in case you never heard me correct.”

“Who the f*ck ratted out on me? If it wasn’t you then who?”

Placing the gun to the right- hand side of Sanchez’s temple, he continues.

“You can leave on your feet, or on a gurney Sanchez. Now who the f*ck—“

“All right, all right, like I said it wasn’t me Gabriel, you know I’d never do that”

“Keep talking Sanchez.”

“I was over at the bar yesterday, I heard whispers that Don wants to settle an old score with you.”

“What bar?”

“The Nag’s Head— Over in Camden Town.”

“So you’re saying Don O’Conner ratted me out to the poe-poe, as he has an old score to settle—right?”

“Right, it could have been him.”

Gabriel lowers his gun and takes a step back from Sanchez. He looks him up and down. A fully-grown man tied up to a wooden post in the centre of a south London warehouse. He can’t help but laugh at the sight of Sanchez in nothing but his underpants. He circles him, like a lion about to pounce. Racking his brain over what score Don would want to settle. Then again, Gabriel North has a reputation as one of the most feared men in London, he has made plenty enemies.  He hails originally from Birmingham in the midlands, but moved south after he realised the streets of London really can be paved with gold— the black market is booming down south in London.

 “Now why would Don want to rat me out to the police Sanchez?

“He got wind of the deal you made with Joe, from what I heard Don wanted to get in there first— take over that area of London to distribute his goods to.”

Gabriel pauses to take in what Sanchez has said. He has a point, the deal he made with Joe in reality is an invasion on Don’s patch.

 “You better not be lying to me Sanchez?”

Gabriel, pokes Sanchez in the chest  with his gun to punctuate his question.

“No sir, that’s what I heard”

“All right, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I want you to head over to the Nag’s Head and find out what else Don’s up to.”

“You want me to inform on him?”

“Yes, and you better be worth the time I’m giving you to do it—I want answers and fast”

Gabriel nods to his henchmen in corner of the dark warehouse, as a signal to un-tie Sanchez. At least he has a starting point. He now knows who ratted him out to the poe-poe.

His next move is to find out exactly what it will take  for Don O’Connor to retract his statement to the police. Be it money, a threat to him and his family or worse death, Gabriel doesn’t care. Don will be the next visitor to his warehouse, as soon as Sanchez informs him of exactly what Don is up to.


To be continued! I actually have to stop writing ( sigh)  the phone rang-I have visitors on the way to see us today. So I guess I better start the housework and change out of my pyjamas. I’ll be back.







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