It’s Official, I have my next cover!!

Stay tuned. Great excerpt.

Didi Oviatt -Author

So this happened today! I’m split equally in three ways. Gratitude (thanks Kim!),  excitement, and obssession are all three pulling me in their direction!

I can’t believe I have my next cover!!!

I think this makes it all real (or sureal, take your pick!) Four novels in four years, I’m setting my goals and then killin’ them. You can probably just call me ‘the goal slayer’ from here on out.

Also, on a side note, completely off the subject — I’m about 92% sure that I’m going to get a tattoo on the back of my neck that says ‘Edit Me’… If anyone has any thoughts on that then please share, I’d really love some input, or encouragement. Lol really though, my husband thinks it’s silly so a few votes in my favor might shut him up a little because we all know that I’m going to do what I…

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