Two Days Into National Novel Writing Month and I’m done!! #amwriting #NANOWRIMO



Whooo I’m done! Well okay I cheated a little bit as I’m revamping a 13,000 word short story     but the aim of National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) is to ‘write a novel in thirty days’. I’ve just finalised a  romance novella story, renamed it and it’s now almost a 20,000 word story. The next mission is to finish off my third Romance Set In Paradise novella and The Suspenseful Collection Volume #2 with Didi Oviatt. I’m on a roll.

I have a question for you all, in your view what makes a good book cover? The people? Font? Teaser? What?? I’m in the process of now thinking up possible designs, while my manuscript is with Beta Readers and my editor. Vote on the poll below if you have a view or drop me a comment.

Well, I better crack open the next manuscript….

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