Daily Word Writing Prompt: Letter to a Stranger


I looked through my word writing prompt book this evening as I felt like writing and wanted some inspiration. I found the below  writing prompt in my book and  noticed it fits in nicely with  the WordPress writing prompts I’ve missed over the last few days: expert, mistake, witness and learning. So I’m combining  all the writing prompts into one!

Writing Prompt: Write an anonymous letter to a stranger detailing the things you’ve learned about life.

29th August 2016, London

Dear stranger,

Hey, hope all’s well and life is treating you well? I hope this letter reaches you well and in good health. You don’t know me but I want to reach out and write to a total stranger so pull up a chair grab a coffee or something stronger and let’s talk.I want to talk to you a bit about what I’ve learned in my 33 years of life so far, touching on some of the things I’ve witnessed and mistakes I thought I made.

 Now, I don’t claim to be any kind of expert in anything in life, hold on no I’m an expert at painting my nails and applying my make-up I know what suits me,but that aside I’m not real expert but here’s a few things I’ve learned.

Stranger, no matter what happens in life promise me one thing, you’ll always be yourself no matter what and at all costs. I mean this, really I do. I’ve always been a believer in people being themselves whether its how they dress, talk, sexuality whatever just do you is my motto. Just over a year ago, I learned to be myself I let go of the 20 year battle I had with my curly hair. For 20 years  I chemically straightened my hair! I loved it nice and sleek.This time last year I had a chin length nice slick straight graduated bob, but when I was pregnant with my son in 2013 the curls fought back and no matter how much I tried to chemically touch up my roots my kink remained.So for 6 months of my 9 month pregnancy I did not touch it just wrapped my hair up in colourful scarfs or pinned it up it actually looked rather cute. When my son came along I carried on the battle, but  I just decided f*ck this, be you Kim and  last July I stopped chemically straightening my hair,with the aim to grow it out and chop the ends each month.

I got to December 19th I was looking toward 2016 with a new attitude as certain things were happening in my life and one day I woke up I  head to the nearest salon and said ” chop it off  get rid of the straight ends”.I walked out with hair less than 1 inch long and I don’t regret it at all. I loved it! And still do. Lucky I’ve had short hair before ( but straight) so I knew I’d be OK with such short hair,but I never knew how I’d manage my curly hair I hadn’t seen it for 20 odd years!  That said I just wanted to be me.So that’s what I’ve learned when it comes to the outside and being yourself, just do it and forget what others think or say dress how you want, whatever just be yourself externally.

When it comes to your personality, stranger do me another favour will you? Never apologise for who or what you are. I mean it. Never EVER say sorry for who you are as long as you’re not hurting anyone, committing a crime, putting yourself or others in danger just don’t-ever. I have learned , not everyone will like you, get you or bond with you and it really does not matter at all that’s just life. Don’t try and fit in, by changing you. That is a mistake. 

If you’re a women reading  (if you are either a man or women reading this sorry to just focus on one gender as this can relate to any sex really),stranger I’m not a relationship expert at all and I would not want to be but if you look back at any of your ex-boyfriends(s) or ex-husband(s) ex-girlfriend(s) or wives and all you think is ” sh*it he/she was a God damn mistake” then you’ve not learned anything from the relationship or him/her for that matter. And you’ll  probably make the same mistakes you did  again. Or end up with another version of him/her again. Hold on, don’t pull that face, it’s true. Why? Why? Do I say this? Well your eyes are still closed! If he/she was a mistake -why, what,how,where, and when were the mistakes? Can you answer? Good  then you have learned and your eyes are open.If you can’t you need to think and then open them up so you know for next time you are swept off your feet.

In general, I have learned there are no mistakes in life, it’s only a mistake if you can’t look back and see what you’ve learned, not just in love,with everything.Work,friendship you’ve dropped, whatever.

Never be bitter stranger, ummm no it takes too much energy I’m telling you just let it go  in life in general. Don’t hold on to it. It will stop you from moving forward and thinking clearly so you can move forward. Just look back see what you learned and move on. This relates to EVERYTHING in life.

Always have plan B…. C and D  if need be too. I have learned and witnessed that if you fail to plan that is a sure plan to fail. I witnessed someone close set out to achieve something and just messed it all up,because of the lack of focus and planning and to be honest, it’s better to be organised rather than walk through life with your head in the clouds- time waits for no man, remember that PLAN.

Be positive, the glass is always half FULL not empty,where  there’s a will there’s a way, never be work shy, start from the bottom and work your way up. Be nice to everyone you meet, remember your manners  and that karma is real! All things I have learned, witnessed and feel I am expert enough to say,as I have lived most of my life by these sayings.

So in a nutshell stranger, be you and be happy being you, don’t be bitter about anything, plan and have a vision -execute it the best you can and stand up and say I f*cking rock baby! be positive, and learn from every experience good or bad.

Well, stranger, take care I hope this letter brings you some kind of new outlook or positive feeling or motivation to achieve or do something you have been sitting on the fence about. Or given you some kind of encouragement.

Yours faithfully,



I hope you’re over 18 as I swore – my bad…. but with me  there is never a filter! Everything is from the heart.  Take care!

10 thoughts on “Daily Word Writing Prompt: Letter to a Stranger

  1. Beautifully said Kim! Such strong and powerful words, really opened up my eyes- and my mind- and put me back on track! Your words actually helped me reflect on my past too!

    Thank you Kim! You truly have a real gift and talent with the power of words! A true blessing XX

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kim,
    Thank you for your take on this Word prompt. I like how you set it up in the beginning and could imagine someone either finding this letter, or being given the letter by a complete stranger. Their interest is piqued, so they decide to buy themselves a coffee and read at their leisure.
    I also like the advice given – be yourself, accept yourself, analyse and learn something from broken relationships which will enable you not to repeat a negative cycle, don’t be bitter, look for the positive in situations and plan, plan, plan!
    Sound advice!


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