Day #33: Manuscript Submitted!



33 days before my official deadline to submit to my publisher and I’ve just sent over my completed manuscript for my 1st novel! Wow what a feeling, I done it. It was an enjoyable experience from start to finish, from writing my query letter and book synopsis to send to the publisher to editing the final paragraph on page 380 last night!

I’ve learned a lot, mainly that I’m better at writing and creating than actual editing, when it comes to editing I am sloooooooooow and forever paranoid of typos and if it all makes sense. Over the last 4 months the whole process for me has been like child birth painful in some places and at times tiring; but the end result is the best feeling in the world.

So what’s next? What does one do once they have gone through 4 months of child birth and unleashed their creation for others to hopefully enjoy…. Think about book #2 that’s what, already I’m creating another story. I’m in 2 minds I have a half complete crime fiction and a handful of ideas falling within the romance /suspense category. What’s a girl to do?? I’m leaning towards the idea of a nice feel good romance to follow up my up and coming romance/suspense…. I’m in a ”feel good mood” …. but who knows this may change to a ”dark, page turning world of crime ” mood.

What a day! One to celebrate and never forget. September 2016 my first novel will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and in print in the USA. You can also download a free chapter by clicking on the chapter preview page at the top.




8 thoughts on “Day #33: Manuscript Submitted!

      • So while reading over your shoulder, lol I googled “what to do when your wife/husband puts you down?” That dance was so draining. You googling it shows that you care. All the things one has the do and the manner of which you say it. The presentation (tone wise). I mean doesn’t the person who’s talking down to another already know they are wrong? Like this can’t be the first time the person has heard it before. A person should know when their style is a turn off instead of a turn on.

        To me when a man speaks to a woman like that he is already trying to get out of the relationship. Sometimes its planned to make the other person feel like they are calling the shots. .


      • This is a very interesting view point from a man I must say and one that is most welcome!! Yes, for Kate the character in my novel it is not the first time that she has heard it and she does care and it does get her down. VERY down but she is the kind of women full of fire and puts a stop to it and as for the man … well wait until September to find out what happens to him *wink. Thanks for ” reading over my shoulder” and comments from a male view are always welcome here.

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